Friday, October 15, 2010

That's What She Said!

 Last week we went to boogie at the Veggie Tales concert.  We're not real Veggie Tale-heads, not the way Mommy refers to herself as a Phish-head.  We're kind of new to the music so it took us a while to "get into it" and jam, if you will.
 Do you see where we are?  That's a CHURCH in town.  We went up to the way back, so we could boogie.
 I like to boogie with my tongue out.  Cute.  Know what else is cute?  This dress Duda bought me - when I was born!!!  I LOVE it!  It's the perfect twirly skirt!
Last night was Mommy-Lilly-Anna night because Daddy had to work.  I rang out a couple doozies.  Below:
"Mommy you can't tell me what to do, you're not Mary Lou."
"Mommy, you're mean!" (Upon Mommy telling me "NO" to something)
"Mommy, you were WRONG!" (Upon giving me the wrong kind of ice cream) "That's NOT what I WANTED!"
This morning I woke up and said, "Happy Birthday to you, Mommy." 
Happy birthday indeed, my Lilly Bean.
Lilly and Anna

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Apple Picking at Skytop

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