Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What's New?

Mommy is playing around with Blogger.  They've updated some things and now she feels the need to keep up with Aunt Tracey and Uncle J who came into the blogging circuit rather recently and are kicking our butts in number of posts and coolness of template.  Darn you cool New Yorkers!  So anyway if our formatting gets funky just bear with us as Mommy tries to feel out the "updated" blogger editor.  Coming soon to a Lilly Bean & Anna Bear blog near you?  A fresh new template, as soon as we figure that out...
Lilly and Anna

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sesame Street Live!

We went to our SECOND concert this past weekend and THIS was THE concert!  THIS was SESAME STREET LIVE!!!  Even though we were in the way back nosebleed section of the theater we still had better seats than we did for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  I was on my feet the WHOLE time!  Dancin', twirlin', singin'...I'm a big fan of live music it appears!  Just like my Mommy!
Lilly and Anna

Friday, March 26, 2010

What's For Dinner?

Tonight for dinner I had a whole banana, three slices of American Cheese, a handful of Goldfish crackers, green beans, about a quarter of an organic hot dog (which are not as good as the "real" ones we get at Mary Lou's), four apple slices (which amounts to about half an apple) some juice and then some ice cream.
And I had a bite of a hot dog dipped in ketchup, about four chicken nuggets with ketchup, a few bites of scrambled eggs with cheese dipped in ketchup, some french fries dipped in ketchup, a small handful of blueberries, a packet of fruit snacks, a snack pack of M&Ms and a few bites of ice cream. All. Day. That was my menu - for the whole day. Wait? What? Vegetables? Ketchup, people, and french fries. Those were my vegetables for the day.

Lilly and Anna

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our First Concert

We went to our first concert a couple weeks ago - A Mickey Mouse Playhouse spectacular! I got waaay more into it than my Sissy did, I was literally on the edge of my seat, see?!

Tickets to our first concert were $25 a pop, and yes, even I had a ticket. This is not because I needed a ticket - oh, no. In case you haven't heard Mommy complain about it yet, on the ticketing site it said, "Children of ALL ages require a full-priced ticket." Mommy called the scumbag ticketing company and said, "Are you sure? Even an 11 month old?!" They said, Yes, indeed. Turns out once she purchased the tickets, the ticket itself said, "Children 1 year of age and older." Okay, so yeah we are cutting it close but - please!!! I can't even sit by myself in my own chair yet! Mommy called back, the ticketing company acknowledged the blunder and said, "Sorry, no refunds." Mommy then proceeded to string out a list of obscenities I had never even heard in my little baby life...

And I sat on Daddy's lap the whole time pretty much with this very look on my face. Believe it or not, we don't watch a whole lotta tv. This concert featured Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (which we do watch), Winnie the Pooh and Tigger (new to me), the Einstein Kids (or something, I can't even remember, that must come on waaaaay before we wake up!) and, oh, I think that's it! But I got about half of it. Of course, it was pretty groovy seeing Mickey, Minnie, Donald Duck and Goofy in person but I didn't understand why they were so far away, and they didn't come talk to me afterwards.

Nevertheless, it sure was fun, and Boing seemed to have enjoyed it, and Anna loooooved it. We had enough fun that this Sunday we are going to see Sesame Street Live this Sunday but Daddy won't be with us, it will be girls' day out. Daddy is going to Buffalo with his cousins and the Uncles. That sounds like fun, but nothin' like getting to see the Sesame Street Gang live. Sorry, Daddy. You lose.
Lilly and Anna!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Who Loves Nekkid Babies?

Look at my precious face! And my cute little goozITSA (as Daddy calls it, he puts the emphasis on the ITSA instead of the GOOZI which Mommy thinks is both funny and cute so she doesn't correct him).
Mommy is still getting to know our new camera. It has this high-def flash that casts crazy shadows if there's not enough backlight. Given the nature of the camera I'm sure there's a way around this, we just haven't figured it out yet, but it's sure fun playing around with it till we do!
And, what's this? Verbiage in italics? Why, yes! Because I am Anna Jane and I am my OWN little person! That's not to say I don't want whatever my big sister has at any given moment, I do and I will even fight her for it, but I have MY OWN voice now and Mommy thought this would be an easy way to differentiate my voice from my Sissy's. I'm getting to the point now where I am very VOCAL about what I want and what I don't want...way more vocal than Mommy and Daddy were used to. It's very funny and cute (isn't everything we do "funny and cute"? Mommy needs to drum up some new adjectives). I am now also very adept at crawling around, I can pull up to a stand, and even take some steps if you help me. Before you blink I will be running around chasing my big sister and slapping my Mama's GOOZITSA in the morning when she's getting ready for work.
Anna J

Monday, March 22, 2010

Don't Touch My Body

"Oh, MAN!" That's what I said this weekend when I pooped in my pants - again. We've suffered quite a setback in the potty training endeavor. In fact I spent all day today in a diaper. Yesterday we were "all together" (I love to say that, "Look Mama! We're all together!") and I pooped in my diaper and Mommy said, "Lilly let's change your diaper." and I said, "No Mommy. Don't touch my body." This was hilarious. Mommy had to turn around to laugh. Daddy just stood there and didn't quite know what to say. So Mommy said, "Ok. I won't touch your body." to which I replied, "No! Don't touch my body, Mommy. Don't touch Lilly's body."

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy Swing Time!

You see this cheap c-r-a-p-p-y swingset? Buh bye! Daddy went to the store today and bought us a brand spakin' sweet new one! We will be the envy of every geriatric on the cul-de-sac. We are SO EXCITED! The goal is to have it up in time for Anna's birthday party, which will be on Saturday, April 2. Mommy will get the invites out soon, she swears. Hope you're all enjoying the beautiful weather as much as we are!
Lilly and Anna

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Can you believe, last year I wasn't even around yet for St. Patty's Day?!
Last year, Mommy stated, incorrectly, that we are not Irish. Mommy stands corrected. Just because Mommy is not Irish, does not mean WE are not Irish. You see, our Great Grandma Dorothy (nee McDermott) WAS of Irish descent! So now, this year and every year following on St. Patty's Day we can proudly showcase our 1/8th or so Irishness.
Irish eyes are smiling at you!
Anna and Lilly

Monday, March 15, 2010

Come On, Let's Go!

We got a new camera. It. Is. FABULOUS! It takes photos, not pictures, so even photo dummies like Mommy can take "photographs" of every day things. Case in point:


Just had to do it, Uncle Dan. Had to!

We had Daddy all to ourselves for 24 hours this weekend while Mommy went to Knoxville to visit Miss Kelli! I'm sure Mommy had fun, but we had MORE fun. Daddy time = FUN time as you all know! In 24 short hours we: grocery shopped, went to McDonald's twice (yes, even though we grocery shopped we still ate at McDonald's twice!), we went to the zoo, we ate cookies and cake and ice cream AND (wait for it...) dun dun dun... I POOPED IN THE POTTY! This was Saturday night around 10:30. I stripped myself nekkid, pooped, and then yelled down to Daddy! He was so proud! I got Play Do, a new purple sippy cup that says "Drama Queen" (apropros), and I got to stay up and watch part of a movie until almost midnight. SWEET!! However, the next day I pooped in my panties and said, "Daddy clean it." Win some, lose some.

We also went to the Dollar Store and bought a lot of junk. Cause you know, we need more junk. I bought Mommy a present for being gone. Anna gave Mommy a present too, she woke up at 4:20 this morning and fell back asleep at 6:45. Gee, thanks, Anna!
Last night when Mommy put me to bed I went up to the gate and started shaking it, and this is what I said:
"DADDY! Come snuggle Lilly to bed! Come on, Daddy, let's go! Come snuggle Lilly!"
It was so funny, Mommy and Daddy stood at the bottom of the stairs and just laughed. Did they come snuggle me? Eventually they did. Eventually I always get what I want.
Lilly and Anna

Friday, March 12, 2010

Today is a Big Deal

Take a good look at Aunt Tracey's belly because after today it's going away!! lil j is on his way! He is going to get here today and we are SO excited!!! I decided I am going to name him Macaroni. This morning at the kitchen table Mommy told me I'm getting a new cousin and I said, "I need to name him. about Macaroni?" Mommy thinks Macaroni is a lovely name so until we get the official one, that is what we will call him.
Do you see that onesie? It says, Made in Brooklyn. I was made in Cincinnati, and Anna was made in Kentucky. By virtue of being Made in Brooklyn automatically makes one cool. Little Macaroni Made in Brooklyn. I like it!

Here are Mommy and Daddy with Uncle Matt, Uncle J and Aunt Tracey before their baby shower when Mommy and Daddy went to NY and we got to stay with Grammy and Grampa.

Here is Grandma and Aunt Tracey. You can hardly tell they are related!
And talk about hardly being able to tell they are related! Ha ha! This is a close race. I think Aunt Tracey wins, but not by much.
Come on lil j! I mean, Macaroni! Everyone is so excited for you to get here!!! We can't wait to meet you lil baby j!!!! We love you so much already!
And, as if today wasn't already a big deal, we want to shout out to Babi and Duda who are celebrating their 33rd anniversary today!!! And Babi, we got the date right this year!!! That's cause enough for celebration! We love you Babi Duda! Have fun celebrating your anniversary!
Lilly and Anna

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Out of Commission

Sorry, folks. Mommy has been at a conference all week and busy in the evenings. We are thinking about you all, though. Anna is growing up QUITE fast! She is almost pulling herself up to a stand! She has so much hair now, too! It's like it all sprouted up in the past couple weeks. Mommy hasn't even downloaded any new pictures for 2 weeks! Bad, Mommy! Get back on it! I am still doing good with the potty, we've had a few setbacks here and there but mostly I'm making progress. I still refuse to poopy in the potty. Daddy thought maybe I needed some "medicine" to help me "move things along" but after the first medicinal accident, he changed his mind and I am doing quite fine, thankyouverymuch.
Save the date for Saturday, April 3 (or is it the 2nd? Can't remember: First Saturday in April!) we are having Anna's party. It's going to be an Easter Egg Hunt New Swingset Party so pray for good weather! Hope to see you there. Formal invitation forthcoming (probably in the form of an email).
Lilly and Anna

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cabin Fever!

GET US OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!!!!! It has been a LOOOOOONG winter and we are ready for it to END! This weekend is supposed to be sunny in the 50's! HALLELUJAH!!!! We can't wait to hang outside this weekend and do something fun!
Daddy thought it would be a nice change of scenery to open the tent in the living room. Mommy didn't get a good picture of the tent (should have, our tent is so big it took up the whole living room! Mommy calls it the Maurer Mahal).
I see the sun poking out of the clouds right now! Glorious.
Last night Mommy was getting me ready for bed and started to put a diaper on me. I said (I really, really said this): "No, Mommy. Diapers are for babies. I'm a big girl. I want panties." Mommy (very reluctantly) said, "Oh, you're right Lilly, you ARE a big girl. How about some pink panties?" Me: "Yeah, sure." So like a big girl I put on my panties, my jammies, went upstairs and pooped my pants. Daddy gave me a little bath and put my jammies back on, and some clean panties - but guess what? I woke up this morning - DRY! Three steps back, one step forward. I will get this potty training thing yet! And I'm not even 2 and a half!
Lilly and Anna

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Babi, Duda, Papa Weekend!

Thanks for coming to visit us, Babi, Duda and Papa! We had soooooo much fun this weekend! And thank you, Papa for the money for our piggy banks. Or should we be thanking the casino? Either way, our little piggies are happy, too.
We love you and can't wait to see you again!
We have a busy week this week and next. Well, really Mommy has really busy weeks, so bear with her if she can't get our cute little faces up as often as you might like. We're out there and doing well! Anna is scootching her little goozie all over the place, uses "Uh Oh!" in the correct context and I am very busy "working" on my coloring, Play-Doh and other crafty gear I've taken a sudden interest in.
We'll keep you posted!
Lilly and Anna

Apple Picking at Skytop

 Apple picking at Skytop has got to be one of my most favorite Fall family traditions.  It is so beautiful, it is so fun, and apples for w...