Monday, June 30, 2008

P.S. Monday

Remember what I said about the ceiling?

Funny Daddy.
I think he wanted to make sure I don't bump my head.


I got to spend the weekend with my Teti. She came down to help Mommy and Daddy. It was so nice! Here are some pictures of what I did. I slept...
I played and acted goofy...
I slept some more...
And Daddy worked on the floor!
We got to go to a restaurant and meet some of Mommy's friends from college: Brad, Kimberly, Marina and Ambrielle! Here I am sitting at the table like a big girl.
And this is Mommy's friend Kimberly and her two beautiful little babies. Doesn't Kimberly just glow and look well rested? This was BEFORE her 15 hour drive home to Dallas!
I got to see my first fireworks show this weekend too, I went with Mommy and Teti...
I brought Cookie Monster along with me...
And Daddy worked on the floor!
I went to the Baby Dr. on Friday. I weigh 15 lbs and 5 oz. I'm a short-tort-peanut! Kimberly's little baby Ambrielle is 4 months old and weighs almost as much as I do! I still don't have any teeth, and I'm still not crawling but I'm getting reeeeally close!
This week my Grandma is helping to take care of me while my nanny-sitter is on her first vacation. That's right, I said first. She takes three vacations a year. I guess when you are taking care of high maintenance little babies like me you need three vacations a year. Mommy can't wait for Daddy to get a real job, and then life for her will be one long vacation! Yeah, right, Mommy! Keep dreaming!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What the..?!?!

You may remember this, it was our family room. "Was" being the operative word. As of today, it is stripped down to the studs. Because you know, Daddy doesn't have a million other things to do. This room had paneling in it, it was painted, but Daddy decided he couldn't live with it anymore so he took it all down. See the big hole in the corner by the fireplace? That was the yucky purple bathroom. Not anymore! Here are some before shots, BEFORE we moved in.
And, DURING...

You will have to wait for the AFTER. I'm waiting...patiently... Don't tell Daddy, but Mommy went home early for lunch when Daddy made a Home Depot run and already talked to the contractors about finishing the room. She said, "Could you please just tell me how much it would cost to: repair the walls in the dining room and paint; rip down the painted over straw wallpaper in the hallway and paint; and finish the drywall and lay down the hardwood floor in the family room?" And Mr. Contractor said, "Joe doesn't know you're asking us to do this, does he?" Mommy said, "No and let's keep it that way!" So Shhhhh...!
That's all I've got for now, folks! Stay tuned, maybe tomorrow we'll have the whole ceiling ripped out too!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Weekend Warriors!

As usual, another busy weekend for Little Lilly Bean. That's me. I would like to show you in pictures. It's more fun that way.

Here is the weekend fun. We had more Mexican food again. This guacamole was much better than the first Mexican place we went to. It had a lot of garlic, but I tried it anyway.

Have you noticed the new face I'm into making? Oh my goodness, could it be any cuter? I don't think so.

Getting to the work part of the weekend. Daddy has been doing plenty of that. Daddy ripped out the Master bath in order to tear down the wall for a doorway. See?

Here I am inspecting his work.

You missed a spot, Daddy.

Today the purple bathroom is getting torn down. Bye-bye yucky purple bathroom! Four more days 'til Daddy starts his residency. Then, NOTHING gets done!



Friday, June 20, 2008

Water Baby

I got to go swimming for the first time in my baby life on Wednesday in the coolest pool ever! We went to a party at one of the Dr's houses.

At first I did not like the water much. After a while though I got pretty excited! I didn't want to get out of the pool, my little fingers and toes were all wrinkly and pruny. Doggone it, I am so cute.

Mommy couldn't really think of a way to incorporate another house project into the pool posting, so we'll just give you lots of cute pool pictures. See the cool waterfall in the background? Yeah, that was pretty nice. The whole house was pretty nice. Mommy got so excited when we walked up to the house she said to Daddy, "Look! Pediatricians CAN make money!" and Daddy said, "No they don't, Cardiologists do, that's what his wife does." Darn! Foiled again!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Another Day, Another Project...

I thought a fun way to keep you up to date as well as let you know more about the house is to incorporate a daily project update into each of my blogs. This works out well today, as I wanted you to see that I have graduated to the big bathtub. No more baby bathtub for me! I can scoot my little goozitsa all over the place in the big tub! And Mommy busted out the bath toys for me last night. They are so much fun!

There is only one bathtub in our house and it is in the Master bath. Our Master bath is not what you're thinking of when you think Master bath. It's more like Master bath-closet. Literally! It is so small, and you'll never guess what color it is. Do you want to guess? If you guessed pink, you'd have guessed right.

Here are some "before" pictures for you. While Daddy was taking a shower last week he decided he'd had enough of this wallpaper so he ripped it all down. Now the walls are covered with yucky glue that Mommy will have to wash off before she can paint. But more importantly, once that heinous purple bath is ripped out there will be no bathroom downstairs except for the Master bath-closet. So Daddy will be ripping out one of the walls to put a door in, and then it will be a shared bath. That is until we know if we are going to stay in this house for more than 3 years for sure. You see, if Daddy decides to leave Louisville after his residency to pursue a sub-specialty or practice elsewhere, we will only be here for 3 years. Then it's not worth the money to add on to the house. Or, since all of our neighbors are geriatric and in their 80's, we may decide after 3 years to move to a neighborhood with more kids for me to play with! Then it's not worth it, either. So some projects will just have to wait. But one thing that won't wait is that Mommy can not live with the bathroom being pink for long, THAT will change soon!

Stay tuned for more Lilly and house adventures!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lookie What I Can Do!

Great news! Mommy found the camera battery yesterday and we promptly took some pictures. I wanted to post them for you so you can see how I've changed in two weeks. What? You didn't think babies could change in 2 weeks? Then YOU don't know BABIES! Look what I'm learning, I am learning how to get up on my knees to start crawling! And, I can get into stuff now! Isn't that great? Now Mommy and Daddy have to keep an eye on me at all times.

I started at Miss Norma Jean's yesterday, my new nanny-sitter. Yesterday was a very bad day. I would not eat at all and I cried and cried and cried. I got to spend 2 whole weeks with my Mommy and Daddy and I did not want to go back to some dumb old babysitter's house and darned if I didn't let her know it. I made Miss Norma Jean feel bad. And I don't care. I really made Mommy feel bad though because I screamed like a little banshee when she handed me off this morning. My Babi says I have a very strong will. She only knows the half of it. Just wait until I grow up. I come from a long line of strong wills and stubborn people. Don't I, Grampa?

If you are very observant you are probably looking at these pictures and thinking to yourself: "Dang! What a gorgeous baby!" Well of course. You are probably also thinking to yourself: "What is under that rug? Is it SUBFLOORING?! And WHAT is that on the walls? Is it PINK PAINTED PANELING?" My, you are observant! Why yes, indeed it is subflooring and pink painted paneling! Let me give you the scoop. This is our family room. The carpet was soooo nasty that Mommy could not even live with it not even for a couple weeks so she said, "Off with the carpet!" and Daddy ripped it out and every rug we own is covering the floor. It is a unique look, and not one I would recommend duplicating. It will remain this way until at least next week when the contractors come in to remove this bathroom:

Yes, THIS bathroom is purple! And it's ewwww gross! So we are taking out the bathroom. Once we do that, Daddy is going to undertake the back breaking project of laying hardwood flooring down in the family room and then we are going to replace the paneling with dry wall and paint it a color anything but pink! And the mauve trim? We'll make white. So there you go, there's just one project low-down for you.

I'll be sure to keep you all posted faithful readers! I know this was long but I sure have a lot to say!



Monday, June 16, 2008

I'm Ba-ack!

Hey everyone! Did ya miss me? I've taken the past two weeks off to work on the new house in Lou-ville. Mommy and Daddy bought a crazy dump and have been working their butts off on it to get it in habitable condition. When will Mommy and Daddy ever learn? They have so far ripped out the flooring in almost the entire downstairs; Daddy and Duda laid down hardwood in two rooms; we ripped out wallpaper (and wallpaper and wallpaper) in almost every room; we've painted, we've cleaned, we've cleaned some more, and we're still cleaning. And to top it off, we've all been sick! I think Mommy got the worst of it, her eardrum actually burst! Imagine the pain! She can't hear anything but that's lots of fun for her. When Daddy is blah-blah-blahing about stuff that needs to get done all Mommy hears is: "Blah blah blah blah blah."

Speaking of Daddy, yesterday was Father's Day! We went out for Mexican food (of course!) and I don't like guacamole. I don't have any pictures to show you because Daddy lost the camera battery.

I wanted to also shout out to the other Daddy's in my life! My Grampa feels a little better every day. My Duda just got his own new house so now he will have lots of his own work to do. But Duda didn't buy a dump like Mommy and Daddy did, so his work is easy. Ha, Amateur! It is much more fulfilling to tear everything out and replace it with exactly what you want. That is what Mommy keeps telling herself anyway.

Guess what else? I have two GREAT Grandpa's too! My Papa loves me more than anyone else in this world. He tells me and Mommy that all the time and when Papa says something, you better believe it. No matter what!

Happy Father's Day all you Daddies! As soon as Mommy finds or buys a new camera battery we'll get some pictures of the house up for you. It's not that bad, really. It will be cute when we're all done, but it will take a while.



Apple Picking at Skytop

 Apple picking at Skytop has got to be one of my most favorite Fall family traditions.  It is so beautiful, it is so fun, and apples for w...