Monday, October 4, 2010

Sunday Finest

So...what did YOU wear to church on Sunday?  If you keep up with our blog at all, you'll note I am QUITE into my princess dresses, etc. lately.  So much so that I insisted on wearing THIS outfit to Sunday school.  Mommy did make me put on "sensible" shoes, however.  Mommy appreciates painful blistery high heels in the name of fashion just as anyone else does, but draws the line when you're two years old.  Plus, we had to go to the grocery store afterwards and it's just too much walking for my princess slippers.
I do Mommy and Anna a big favor by dressing in such opulent gowns for everyday activities.  We get lots of attention.  I make servant Mommy do all the "Thank you's" and "Yes, we realize it isn't Halloween this is just how we dress" and "I'm not looking to stifle her creativity or crush her Princess dreams at 2 years old - that can wait until she's 4" and finally the "Doesn't Angelina Jolie let her daughter dress up like a pirate?"
I am too busy not paying any mind to my throngs of admirers.  Mommy says when I'm dressed in my palace gear I have a royal responsibility to be polite to my subjects even if they are silently judging Mommy.
 After church I came home and changed Princess dresses, crown, and wand.  And since my future's so bright...well, you know...
And, Mommy just thought this picture was hilarious.  And we are all about laughs in this house!
Have a great week everyone!
Princess Lilly and P.I.T. Anna (P.I.T = Princess In Training, in case ya didn't know)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bow to you, Princess Lilly and P.I.T. Anna! You gave me my first laugh of the day. I love you for that!

Your loyal subject


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