Thursday, December 12, 2013

Santa Claus!

I promise, I promise - when Santa brings us a new MAC we will do the blog UP next year!  Seriously, Mama will pin a bunch of things on Pinterest and magically her blog will turn into a full fledged little internet site with all things Lilly, Anna Jane and Jack!
No, really - this stay at home business is serious BUSY and only having iPad's around (well, plus a work laptop that Mama pulls out only like once or twice a week) well living just gets in the way of blogging.  Mama is missing all kinds of the fun little moments, the sweet memories that 20 years from now she might forget all about.  So, 2013 was a blur but she swears - she SWEARS - she will blog more for y'all (really for herself) more in 2014.  Promise.
As a side note, Anna Jane pointed out to Mama that she breaks promises ALL the time.  Like when she PROMISED to pick her up from school but Daddy came instead.  Or she PROMISED we could watch 3 movies on a school night.  She PROMISED she wouldn't cook chicken.  Again.  Only God keeps his promises, Mommy and YOU are not GOD.  Really, she said that...
Anyway it's the HOLIDAYS and we LOVE THE HOLIDAYS!!!  Mostly we LOVE CHRISTMAS!  We get to see almost the whole family this year and we are so excited!  To get in the mood we visited our favorite beardy man (sorry, Daddy - you are really our favorite beardy man but around this time of year this guy nudges ya out)
No one cried!  We are getting TOO BIG!
Santa asked what we wanted this year.  Here's what we said:
Jack: "Car car!" or "Ironman!" (everything, I mean EVERYthing is Car car! or Ironman!  Daddy said Jack is going to need to learn his superheroes.  Mommy said, "Hey Daddy look at this picture of Ironman I got for Jack's room!"  Daddy rolled his eyes and said, "That's Flash."  Well they all look like Ironman to me too, little dude.
Anna Jane: "Hello Kitty crap!  All kinds of it!"  She left out "crap" and said, "Hello Kitty"...that's it.
Lilly: "Surprise me."
Hello?!?  Surprise you?!?  Okay, how about Santa surprises you with a mop and a bucket?  Lilly says, "Mommy, Santa knows what's in my heart.  He won't let me down."  Well kiddo could you let yo Mama know what's in your heart?  Nope.  Surprise.  Sweet.  I can't wait to see the look of letdown on her face Christmas morning when she discovers Santa's not a mind reader.
Less than two weeks away!  Are you ready for Christmas?  Oh we are nowhere near ready, y'all.  Not even close.  But Mama works best under pressure.
Lilly, Anna Jane and Jack

Saturday, December 7, 2013

How Many Hair Bows!

We are running a contest! Not really. We are just bored. So we're just messing around with hair bows. How many do you think we can put on a head?
The answer is...
A lot!
Lilly, Anna Jane and Jack 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Go Tigers!!

Our FIRST CLEMSON GAME!!  Let me answer the obvious questions:
1. No we did not take pictures of Jack, or Daddy, or Uncle Sean - clearly WE NEED A COMPUTER TO DOWNLOAD PICTURES FROM A CAMERA!! (Santa??)
2. Clemson won. We are on the Tiger wagon now, Baby (side note: way to Go Blow another season, Michigan!)
3. About an hour leading up to the game and throughout your phone becomes useless - so you gotta save your juice - which means not many pictures
4. We had a ball, y'all! GO TIGERS!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Yes, Sir

We live in the South, y'all. And around here we say "yes, Ma'am" or "no, sir."  Daddy corrected me on this little semantic at suppertime tonight, he said, "Anna Jane, when I ask you to do something you say 'yes, SIR' - understand?"
"Yes, Sir," I said. And then, "I like your head!"

Lilly, Anna Jane and Jack

Monday, November 11, 2013

Jack and Anna Jane Time

Now that Mommy stays home most days with Jack we are able to do fun things together with the girls at school. We are not able to do things like cook, clean, and put new underwear on in the morning. We also seem to run out of time to grocery shop, blog, and cook dinner but we DO have the theme song to My Little Pony Equestria Girls memorized. We find time to do important things.
Anyway here are some pictures from a field trip we took a month ago.

It's starting to feel like Fall round these parts! Yesterday got down to 50 at night. Brrrrr!!
Lilly, Anna Jane and Jack

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Harvest Festival

Yesterday we took advantage of the beautiful 70 degree sunny weather and went to an awesome little festival! Hope y'all had a great weekend!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Boots!

Happy birthday my favorite little man! I love you so much! I will write a proper birthday post tomorrow, for now I pray for sweet dreams for you with your new cars, trucks, and Iron Man! I love you Boots!!!

Check Out My Ride. Dude.

That's my favorite little man righ there! Enjoy those wheels, Jack, that there's the nicest ride you'll have living under this roof! Ha!
I'm so glad you're my baby boy, Jack. A son is amazingly different to a Mommy. Lilly's my sugar, Anna's my spice and you are totally the snakes, snails and puppy dog tails. You are a wild ride and every day an adventure. You do things that would never even occur to me because in a million years your sisters would have never attempted them (scale a ten foot ladder at the cottage anyone?) and you're only TWO! But you're already TWO! How?! When?! Where does it go?! 
I love watching you grow. Girls were easy for me to figure out. Even Anna Jane! I mean she's my sixteen year old self incarnate. So girls? I got girls. But boy oh boy and you are ALL boy - what the?!? I love it! Balls? Yes, please! Cars and trucks? Don't mind if you do! Gettin' dirty? Get it son. But then? There's this sweet side of you that commands my heart like nothing else and I am putty in your grubby dirty little hands. Out of nowhere you kiss your Mommy. With conviction, too.  You run and bear hug your sisters when we pick them up from school - you practically knock them over! And they love that! You call us all by the wrong names but it's okay 'cause it's so cute. ("Daddy? Anna!" We are all either Daddy or Anna. Even me which I'll admit sometimes stings a little but're Daddy's pretty charming). Every morning at almost exactly 6:30 you stand up in your crib and call "Daddy! Toby!" Every morning. Of course by Daddy you totally mean Mommy so it's cool. I love you jack! I love what you do for this family. There's no denying that you're pretty darn spoiled and we all have fun doing it. Your future wife will thank me I'm sure. 

You're awesome Jack. Just awesome. And we all love you. More than you love cars - and that's a WHOLE lot. 

I love you sugar cube. Always always always.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Happy birthday Lilly Bean!!!

Six years ago today, at about 10:30 at night, with the Red Sox in the World Series, after approximately FORTY HOURS OF LABOR you got this party started! I always say I can't believe but I CAN'T BELIEVE you're six today! You are such a blessing, Lilly - a gift to the world! Your compassion and sensitivity is beyond your six years. You are an amazing big sister and you teach me something every day about being a better person. Every night I pray I thank God for you, for your health, for everything about you. I can't possibly put into words how much you mean to me and how much I love you and I'm pretty good with words. You are just THAT amazing and that special to me and to all of us.  I hate to let go of the baby you but I'm enthralled with watching you grow. I hope many years from now when you read this you will know how loved you've always been and how happy you make your family.  I love you, Lilly with all of my very being.  Happy birthday little bean!! I hope this is your best year ever!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Go Notre Dame!


Apple Pickin!

Happy Fall y'all!

New Puppy in the Family

No we didn't go get another puppy! Aut Kimber and Uncle Mark did! Meet Stella Pup. Isn't she adorable?!
I meant the dog too...
But yes indeed we are adorable!!
Welcome to the family Stella Pup!
Lilly, Anna Jane and Jack

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Cha Cha Cha!

So This Happened...

Kill Mommy now. Remember Wade? He's history. Meet J. Not his real name. In all fairness Mommy has never met his parents so since she's kind of putting him out here in my cyber corner of the world she should protect his privacy because we think Uncle Dan is going to have a few thugs to say about this. Mommy had a few choice words. Want to take a gander at how we came across this picture? My teacher took it! Yay for public school! Speaking of Wade his birthday is in two weeks and I was invited to his party. At the GREENVILLE COUNTRY CLUB. I shit you not, dear Lillybean lover. A birthday party for a six year old at the most prestigious private club in the upstate. (Is it really the most? Not sure but when you're six yes, it is).  What do one's parents wear to such a party (because you bet your sweet ass we are going - and we are taking the whole  family 'cause it's at suppertime y'all - on a weekday). I will be wearing my Lilly dress and pearls. I'm sure whatever the rest of my Midwestern bred semi redneck family wears will embarass me. Do you know I was born in Kentucky? You know I wasn't but I will argue with you until I'm blue in the face because I don't want to be associated with that Yankee place from which I really was born (which incidentally is just across the river from my beloved Kentucky. No matter! It's about pride not geography. I'm in for the shock of my life when I realize Cincinnati is in Ohio, NOT Kentucky).
I digress. Back to the issue at hand  - or at HANDS.
Apparently my taste in boys is good. As far as my mommy and daddy are concerned however at almost six years old my taste in boys should be "grossed out by boys". 
What's your take?
Your too big for her britches Lilly

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Toby Woby is Approximately Five Months Old

Toby has QUADRUPLED in size in three months.  He weighs almost 40 lbs. now.  He's a LAZY dog.  He does not bark at people but he'll bark at his reflection.  He loves to whine at 6:00 AM and that's Daddy's favorite.  He will also jump up and eat the food off the table (though maybe not after the fit Daddy threw today...bad Toby!)
We love him, he's a good boy!  We love watching him grow and can't wait to see how big he gets!  Mama's guess is probably 65-70 lbs.  What's yours?
Lilly, Anna Jane and Jack

Apple Picking at Skytop

 Apple picking at Skytop has got to be one of my most favorite Fall family traditions.  It is so beautiful, it is so fun, and apples for w...