Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Miss Kimberly!

Happy Birthday Miss Kimberly!  I know we've seen this one before, but I thought it was cute and worth the "repost" as we sing you Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...(nice double fist action!)
Happy Birthday Miss Kimberly!
Happy Birthday to YOU!
I can't believe it, but Mommy did not get pictures of you eating your cake on her camera!!  Babi, email Mommy some pictures to post!
Have a Happy Day!
Lilly and Anna

Monday, August 30, 2010

Night Terrors

Isn't this a beautiful picture of Anna?  It's so Anna!  Smiley and sweet, God love her!
We are still working our way through some vacation pictures, I know, I know!  Show me new stuff, right?!
Friday Mommy and Daddy moved Anna's crib into my bedroom, so my bedroom is not my bedroom anymore, it's "our" bedroom.  This, after Mommy FINALLY got Anna's nursery just perfect.  Well, according to Daddy we need to fill it with another baby!  With Mommy's luck the next one would be a boy.  If it is, I hope he likes Pink and Birdies.  Either way, it's not going to happen for a little while yet.  Mommy needs a little more time.  She is enjoying her size 4 bootie back (that's right!  she managed to squeeze, wiggle and squirm her way into a size 4 skirt!  she didn't want to take it off.  not because she couldn't - which was questionable - ha ha.  Mommy is having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that she's getting older - she has trained us to say she's 29 and that your body after two babies tends to be a little different than when you were 25 with no babies - no matter how many carbs you don't eat!) but we digress....
Last night, I gave Mommy the SCARE of her lifetime.  Daddy is on the night shift (of course this happens when Daddy's working) and at 12:45 last night Mommy heard a SHRIEK, an ear piercing WAIL.  Faster than anyone who knows Mommy might even think possible, she was upstairs in a heartbeat in our room.  Anna was standing up in her bed, not making a sound and I - WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.  Holy Jesus, Heaven and Earth.  Mommy is half asleep, she heard a piercing scream and I. Am. Not. In. My. Bed!  Now, there is a gate on my room, and it was closed, so Mommy is trying to process where the hell am I and then I let out another blood curdling scream - I AM UNDER MY TODDLER BED.  Which is all of 4 inches off the ground.  Mommy threw the bed OFF of me.
What the hee haw was I doing under my toddler bed?  Well, I told Mommy the Orange Monster came to get me.  All Mommy could do was cry.  Anna, upon seeing that I would survive the Orange Monster attack, fell right back to sleep in her crib (without making a sound) and Mommy did not let go of me until it was time to go to Mary Lou's this morning.
Mommy was prone to night terrors as a child.  I hope I don't go through this.  One scare is about all Mommy's nerves can take.
This is another reason why Mommy will tell Daddy - WE NEED A DOG!!!  The Orange Monster can not get me if we had a dog!
Sleep tight.
Lilly and Anna

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Happy Birthday "Fia" and "Tias"!!

We love you, Cousins!
Hope you have a wonderful, happy day and we can't wait to see you hopefully SOON!
Lilly and Anna

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What's This About?

We haven't even gotten through HALF our beach pictures!  Oy!  What a great trip it was!  Mommy wishes she lived closer to the beach so we could go more often.  Hint, hint DADDY!
We rented a pontoon boat for a day and it was our FAVORITE day!  We had so much fun!  We were even able to ride it out to clear waters so Uncle Mark and Miss Kimberly would get in...until they saw jellyfish!
Ooooh...ooooh!  I say lots of words now!  I say, "Mama/Lilly/Mary Lou/Daddy/Garp" and "get ya face busy"  Ha ha.  I don't really say that, Mommy thought it was funny.  I am so sweet, what else can we say about it?  I'm sugar!

And I'm SPICE!
I hope me and Anna get along as well as Mommy and Teti.  Look how tan Teti is!  Hot stuff, Teti!  Ow!
Teti took me bouncing on this big thing in the middle of the ocean, next to a boat that served food and icies but alas, no beer for Daddy...
See!  He's in the water!  And he looks happy about it!  Hi Uncle Mark!
And THAT'S a classic Uncle Dan face!
Hi Mr Ryan and Babi!!  Don't you wish you were sitting in that water right now?!?
Teti bought us ice cream sandwiches from the ice cream man BOAT!  Man, that was cool.  It was a cool day.  Thanks Babi and Duda, for a fun cool day!
So now...you might be wondering "What's This About?"  Well, this is my newest phrase.  We got on the interstate the other day and I said, "Mama, what's this about?"  Mama said, "We are getting on the interstate, we have to go to XYZ"  I said, "Oh, okay...so what's this about?"  I said it today, too, when Mama was making eggs for dinner (don't worry, we buy ours from a local organic farmer, NOT on the current recall list!), I say, "Mama, what's this about?"  Mama says, "It's breakfast night, we're having eggs for dinner."  I said, "Oh, what's this about?"   Well, it's about Mama cooking on the fly, Lilly My Dear.  I'm doing the best I can!
Whatever THAT's about!
Lilly and Anna

Friday, August 20, 2010

Another Day at the Beach...

Mommy thought she would post s'more pics from our beach vacation real quick like while me and Anna jump on each other's bellies in the play room (which is what we're doing now.  T-20 seconds till one of us is screaming our heads off)
Miss Kimberly and I liked to color while...
Teti and Anna sang us songs and played the gee-tar!
Mommy loves this picture of Miss Kimberly and Uncle Mark.
We celebrated Mr. Ryan's 30-something birthday.  Mommy made him a yellow cake with raspberry filling and a homemade white chocolate cream cheese icing.  Mommy loves to make cake.  Right now I am on Mommy's lap while she types and I'm saying: "I was laughing at the beach house.  It was Mr Ryan's birthday."

"Oh!  I helped to blow out the candles!"  See?  I could write this blog.  Doesn't take a college educated genius.
"We were makin the cake.  I was helpin you makin it."  Happy Birthday Mr. Ryan!  XOXOXOXO
Speakin of makin things, Uncle Dan made GUMBO.  Real New Orleans style.  "But I don't like gumbo."  I know, Lilly, you don't like gumbo but Mama did!

Thanks Uncle Dan for taking Mommy and Daddy's cooking night and sparing us all of yet another evening of meatballs and noodles and cheese and green beans or other typical Lilly Anna fare.
More pics to come later! 
Lilly and Anna

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Our First Taste of the Ocean!

I feel like Mommy starts all of the posts lately bitching about how busy she is (aren't we all?) and this one is no exception.  I wish Mommy had time to get really clever with these posts and write about all the things we did while we were on our recent Florida vacation but today is a busy day, she's got peppers to roast for dinner, emails to send to people, kids to pick up, another kid to watch tonight, laundry to do and wine to drink somewhere so since she's slacked all week on the blog (and has spent a collective FIFTEEN HOURS in the car driving to and from appointments all over the Commonwealth) she thought she would at least post some pics of our first trip to the sandy beaches of beautiful Destin, FL where we saw NO oil only lots of algae and otherwise beautiful, gorgeous beaches and Teti's boobies. 

POW!  There's them boobies.  Hope I get boobies like those.  Mommy got screwed.
Anna is so freakin CUTE!
It took Mommy a year, but she is back to her wedding weight.  Except for this week.  She had a piece of bread this week and gained 3 1/2 lbs back.  Back to eggs and pork rinds!
Mommy saved the best picture for last.  If this blog had audio here's what you'd hear:
Uncle Mark: "Hurry Kimber!  There's algae!  Eeeeeee!  Ewwwww!  I think some's on m'toes!"
Miss Kimber:  "Oh no!  Oh no!  Algae!  Ewwww!  Yuck!  Gross!!!  Don't get it in my hay-r!"
Uncle Mark:  "C'mere Kimber!  Hurry!  Let's get this picture and then jump in the pool where the water's chlorinated and there aren't any sharks!"
Miss Kimber:  "Oh no!  Oh no!  Sharks!  Ewwww!  Yuck!  Gross!!!"
Mommy: cracks herself up.
Lilly and Anna

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back To It...

We love going to the zoo.  It's one of our favorite places to go.  We went to the zoo in Cincinnati today with Daddy, but these are older pictures from a recent Lou Zoo trip with Mommy.  We are in Ohio all weekend which is strangely odd to Mommy who will actually have the whole house to herself tonight.  No poopy diapers, no crying, no negotiating for bedtime, and that's just by having Daddy gone!  Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, sometimes Mommy really cracks herself up on this blog.
On our way to Cincinnati this morning (which is about an hour and a half drive) Daddy called Mommy about 50 minutes after he left.  He said, "Guess where we are?"  Mommy said, "Northern KY?"  Daddy said, "No, we haven't even made it to the KY Motor Speedway yet" (which is about halfway b/w Lou and Cincy).  Mommy laughed.  Three stops in 50 minutes and Anna had gotten out of her carseat and started to climb towards me to take my bunny rabbit away.  Ha ha ha!  Ha ha ha!
Ah...red or white tonight, Mommy?
Anna is sprouting some of her top back teeth now!  So funny for the longest time she had only the two, now she has almost 7 in just a few weeks.  This might explain the crankiness.  Hers and Mommy's!  But still the sweetest thing ever.  We got a video of Anna practically making out with Mommy last night.  She comes to give you kisses right on the lips and once she starts she doesn't stop and it's hilarious, and cute, and precious, and awesome!   Her little personality is really coming out and believe it or not, she says more than just "Quack" now.  She can also say, "Hey!" and "Mamamama" and "All done" and "Uh oh" and "It's empty" and "What a time suck this blog is while you're supposed to be working!"
Anna wanted to show you those top 4 teeth...
Have we posted this before?  Eh, can't remember...  Here we are.  Mommy and the Monkey in the Mist.

And here I am with Boing, back to back Monkeys.
That's all for now, folks!  Mommy is going to see Phish this weekend with her super fun, cool, funky college friends and Teti so she'll be out of commission until possibly next September because going to Phish concerts seems to make her dumber for some inexplicable reason, not really sure.  Maybe I'll find out when I grow up.  NOT!  I'm not allowed to go to Phish concerts.  Ever.  And, Mommy says Daddy isn't allowed to, either.  That's why we're going to Troy.
Thanks, Daddy for giving Mommy a much needed Mommy break to get stupid with all of her phriends!
Lilly and Anna

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cindagrella, Cindagrella, Cindagrella!

Hello?  Yes, this is Servant Mommy calling our BFF's for some Princess Fun at the Dinner Theater with Rogers & Hammerstein's Cinderella!  Let's all meet up and have some fabulous dinner, watch Cinderella hook herself a man, manage not to cut her feet open in glass slippers (really?  glass slippers?), drink some girly cocktails while Mommy and Miss Amy lament over how unrealistic stupid Cinderella really is and how fairytales set little girls up for disappointment later in life.  Until Mommies meet Daddies that is...

Here I am with the cast of Cinderella!  Something about those bright lights really got me hopped up!
As you can see here, I am very disappointed that Mommy did not bring me a crown to wear and that I had to settle with these SUNGLASSES to substitute.  *Sigh*  Geez, Mommy.
And here's Miss Amy with Princess Mackinsey, one of my BFF's...love that beautiful smile, Macki!

Fun!  Lights down, show's about to start!
This is one of Macki's things, showing us her tonsils...I think that's funny!
Mommy and Me...
Oddly enough, as excited as I was during the whole show, and as willing as I was to wait in line for a picture with Cinderella and "Prince Christopher" aka Prince Charming, this is the best face Mommy could get out of me for a picture.  I smell poo or something...really!
In all, a fabulous show.  Not bad for my first!  Mommy really loves theater and hopes that I do too, and when I'm older we will take trips to NYC to see real shows on Broadway and maybe one day I'll be in one of those shows, who knows?!  You never know...
Lilly and Anna

Monday, August 9, 2010

And, We're Back, Folks!

Okay, you'll have to bear with us this week.  We are VERY busy!  Last week we went to Destin, FL with allllll the "friends" (as I love to call my family) and had a smashingly wonderful time!  We haven't had a chance to download those pictures yet as there are 100's.  We are still on vacation with Daddy this week as Mary Lou is off all week (gone fishin') and Mommy is leavin' Thursday (goin Phishin'!) and then by next week we should be back up and running with fabulous posts about: pooping, seeing Cinderella, laying on the beach, playing in the water, and more pooping.
Until then my FRIENDS!
Lilly and Anna

Apple Picking at Skytop

 Apple picking at Skytop has got to be one of my most favorite Fall family traditions.  It is so beautiful, it is so fun, and apples for w...