Saturday, September 28, 2013

Go Notre Dame!


Apple Pickin!

Happy Fall y'all!

New Puppy in the Family

No we didn't go get another puppy! Aut Kimber and Uncle Mark did! Meet Stella Pup. Isn't she adorable?!
I meant the dog too...
But yes indeed we are adorable!!
Welcome to the family Stella Pup!
Lilly, Anna Jane and Jack

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Cha Cha Cha!

So This Happened...

Kill Mommy now. Remember Wade? He's history. Meet J. Not his real name. In all fairness Mommy has never met his parents so since she's kind of putting him out here in my cyber corner of the world she should protect his privacy because we think Uncle Dan is going to have a few thugs to say about this. Mommy had a few choice words. Want to take a gander at how we came across this picture? My teacher took it! Yay for public school! Speaking of Wade his birthday is in two weeks and I was invited to his party. At the GREENVILLE COUNTRY CLUB. I shit you not, dear Lillybean lover. A birthday party for a six year old at the most prestigious private club in the upstate. (Is it really the most? Not sure but when you're six yes, it is).  What do one's parents wear to such a party (because you bet your sweet ass we are going - and we are taking the whole  family 'cause it's at suppertime y'all - on a weekday). I will be wearing my Lilly dress and pearls. I'm sure whatever the rest of my Midwestern bred semi redneck family wears will embarass me. Do you know I was born in Kentucky? You know I wasn't but I will argue with you until I'm blue in the face because I don't want to be associated with that Yankee place from which I really was born (which incidentally is just across the river from my beloved Kentucky. No matter! It's about pride not geography. I'm in for the shock of my life when I realize Cincinnati is in Ohio, NOT Kentucky).
I digress. Back to the issue at hand  - or at HANDS.
Apparently my taste in boys is good. As far as my mommy and daddy are concerned however at almost six years old my taste in boys should be "grossed out by boys". 
What's your take?
Your too big for her britches Lilly

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Toby Woby is Approximately Five Months Old

Toby has QUADRUPLED in size in three months.  He weighs almost 40 lbs. now.  He's a LAZY dog.  He does not bark at people but he'll bark at his reflection.  He loves to whine at 6:00 AM and that's Daddy's favorite.  He will also jump up and eat the food off the table (though maybe not after the fit Daddy threw today...bad Toby!)
We love him, he's a good boy!  We love watching him grow and can't wait to see how big he gets!  Mama's guess is probably 65-70 lbs.  What's yours?
Lilly, Anna Jane and Jack

Beach Bums for Mama's Birthday!

Thanks to Groupon and a little extra time on our hands we headed to the BEACH for Mama's birthday!
It is SO. AWESOME. to live SO. CLOSE. to the beach.  We love the beach.  I already told Mama I'm going to live on the beach when I grow up.
Anna Jane can live on the beach, too.  But not in my house.  I said that.  For reals.
Jack can live in my house, though.  So long as he puts the seat down!
Happy birthday, Mama you crazy 30ish lady!

Babi and Duda partay-ed with us.  Thanks for coming, Babi and Duda!  We love to partay with you!

Beach bum!
Happy day!  Mama's birthday was a blast!  And yes, she is wearing a bikini and not a Momkini.  Sorry, ladies, she just...can' it.  
Lilly, Anna Jane and Jack

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

In Case You Wondered...

Yep, Jack still throws tantrums on the floor...
And it's still hilarious.
Lilly, Anna Jane, Jack Attack

First Day of Ballet

My first real ballet class!  Here's a picture outside by our pretty hydrangea bush.
And because Anna Jane lives to please the masses, here's a random picture of her in her underwear.
You're welcome.
Lilly, Anna Jane and Jack

School with Big Dog

I took Big Dog to my first Show and Tell.  Because I LOVE Big Dog.
Lilly, Anna Jane, and Jack

Finally the Final First Day of School!

It's already the MIDDLE OF SEPTEMBER!?!?!  WHAT!?  You've waited so long, you've checked the blog SO many times - and here they are - the pictures from almost a MONTH ago you've been waiting for, you've lost sleep over, you've talked about with your friends (Why IS Anna Jane wearing a pink Thanksgiving turkey jumper?!  Who DOES her hair?!?) I hope these keep you satisfied until I get around to posting something again next month, or when I ever get a new computer.  Put it on your list, Daddy!  New 'puter!  Start an online petition for Lilly Bean's new computer!

There goes my baby y'all...walkin' to school all big with her Barbie backpack.  Glitter!  Sparkle!
Yes, it's blurry but what can you do with an iPhone camera?
Mommy didn't even bother pinning on the shoulder bows!  If I were going to wear my pink Thanksgiving turkey jumper she could have at LEAST pinned on my shoulder bows!?  Where's my virtual eye roll??
This is pretty good!
After school Mommy and Babi treated us to some fro yo, yo.

This pictures is pretty funny!  Look at our faces!
So as Mommy blogs this it occurs to her she took ZERO pictures of the FIRST DAY OF FRICKIN SCHOOL WITH A CAMERA.  They were all with the crappy iPhone.  THE FIRST. DAY. OF. SCHOOL.  What kind of Mother does that?!
I'm telling y'all - petition!
Lilly, Anna Jane and Jack

Apple Picking at Skytop

 Apple picking at Skytop has got to be one of my most favorite Fall family traditions.  It is so beautiful, it is so fun, and apples for w...