Friday, October 22, 2010

Mommy No Speaka English

We are on our own today sans Daddy, but we had a really fun day.  We made breakfast muffins that Anna decided to add a little (fistful) extra baking soda to (blech) - tossed those right out!  Not easy, either when you make the stupid things from scratch!  That's what Mommy gets for playing Suzy Homemaker.
We went to music class, came home, played with my new stash of birthday presents while Anna napped and then we went to the mall to kill a little time with my BFF Mallorie and her Mommy Melanie.
We were sitting in the food court running around like rampant little animals - 'cept for Anna who was sitting down nicely eating crackers - when this really nice foreign lady approached and said to Mommy:
"Excuse me, but may I ask, is there a costume party at the mall today?"
Mommy looks at me and Anna, both in Princess dresses, "Um, yes in fact there is, right there at the Disney store."
Weird look from foreign lady, "Oh.  She is so beautiful." Points to Anna.  Looks at me, "Is she yours, too?"
Mommy, kind of used to this because yes we do look different and yes, one time the checkout teenager at the grocery store ACTUALLY ASKED if we had the same Daddy (yes, we do!), "Yes, they are both my babies."
"Oh," foreign lady says, looks at Anna again, "she is so beautiful...but, her nose..."
Mommy thinking, Really?  Really you are going to say something critical about my 1 year old?
"Yes, she has a nose."
"Um...her nose, it's German."
Mommy, thinks to herself, THIS is new..., "Her nose is German?  No, actually it's Slavic, I'm of Slavic descent.  Eastern European."  Mommy quite proud of herself and her heritage.
Foreign lady gives Mommy quite a perplexed look, meanwhile Mommy Melanie looks like she just saw an alien spaceship land on our table.
"No, its GERMAN."
"Um, thank you.  I actually have an Aunt from Germany." She's a lot like you, too, says exactly what she thinks manners be damned!
Foreign lady shakes her head, leans over and looks at Mommy like she's missing half of her brain and says, "YOU NEED TO WIPE HER NOSE."
Mommy looks at Anna, snot is dripping down her chin. 
"You need to wipe their noses, they don't like the mucus and they can't do it themselves.  Thank you, thank you so much.  She's beautiful."
Mommy thinks she really must be missing half a brain and Mommy's friend Melanie is about doubled over in her chair.  Melanie tried to make Mommy feel better by saying something nice and fellow Mommy-ish, nonetheless, always looking for something fun to write about!
Lilly and Anna


Anonymous said...

Is Friday the day mommy works from home?

Love, Duda

Lilly Bean said...

Dear Duda, Mommy posted at 9:00 at night!

Uncle Dan said...

Anna is straight up Pavich, no? Getting to be pretty as her sister.

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