Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Row, Row, Row Our Boat!

 Mommy got pinged by Auntie B today - where's the 3B's?!  Then Mama realized Snap!  It's been two weeks since we posted an update?!  What are our faithful readers doing with their time?  Watching the Olympics or something, we bet.
Mommy knows these pics are kind of a rip off to our FB friends out there - and since on average only about 15 of you read the blog we're pretty sure you're all FB friends, too.  No worries!  Mommy doesn't post commentary on FB so today IS your lucky day!
A few weeks ago (I guess it has been about that long) we got to meet up with "old" friends of Mommy's - Ms Kelly and Mr Jeff and her whole family the F-----s!  Mommy LOVES the F-----s!  They've known Mama since she was little - but not THIS little!  Above you see 2nd generation F----- girls!  We had so much fun boatin', jumpin', playin', bein' silly with them!  We wish we could do it more often (lucky for us the F-----s have a lake house only 45 minutes away from us!  HOLLA!  That is AWE-SOME!)
 This was Jacky's first time on a boat!  Can you believe that!  He loved it but not so much a fan of the life preserver.
 MUCH betta!
 We parked our boat and swam for a bit - it was so cool.  We got nibbled on by little fishies and we found a grasshopper that we took home with us.  We named him Hopper.
 Hi, Daddy!
 Hi, Lilly!

Here is Mommy with her friend Kelly.  Mommy and Kelly have such a history together.  The best part of their story is that they are the best kind of old friends - you know, the kind that doesn't skip a beat?  For a moment in the boat Mommy looked at Kelly while all 3 of the 8 month old babies were screaming (Kelly has twin baby boys) and all 5 of us girls were jumping, screaming, yelling, splashing (two of those girls are Kelly's nieces) and there was just chaos all around and Mommy says, "Kelly, what do you think our 15 year old selves would have said if we would have told them about this moment, right now while we were cruising down the Piqua strip skipping out on curfew and chasing boys and teasing our hair?" and Kelly said, "We would have thought it was awesome!"
And she's right.
Lilly, Anna and Jack

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Our New Bedroom - C'Mon Over!

Remember this beautiful bedroom?  This was our Kentucky bedroom.  It was huge, and purple, and beautiful.  Here's another picture:

Don't judge Mommy for not knowing hot to cut, paste and center a picture.  You would think after almost 500 posts she'd have this down by now but no, you would be wrong.  So anyway - cute room, huh!  Double closets, big!  Well we got some new digs, yo!  Check 'em out!  It's under construction but this is our first official night in our own room in our own big girl beds!  That's right - TONIGHT!  Mommy is blogging about something AS IT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING!  You saw it here first, folks!  Fo' real!
 This is my first big girl bed!  Like the bedding?  So did Mommy for the 5 minutes it stayed on my bed while I allowed her to take this picture -
 - and this one!
While Anna opted not to have her new bedding put on at all in favor of her new Dora sheets - like Dora, anyone?
I got My Little Pony sheets!  Princess Flceistia!  (It's Celestia but I have no clue how to say that, I'm four!)
 And here we are, pretending to be asleep - because in fact right this minute we are running around the house like little bunny rabbits!
This new room is going to be a little challenging.  It's smaller, as you can see.  It's got pretty hardwood floors, though!  And there's only one closet and it's crappy (that's why Mommy shelled out a small fortune on these beds - they have built in dressers)!  But I guess you have to give a little.  We really wanted to live downtown and downtown houses are smaller and older.  It's been fun though paring down what we've already accumulated in our 4 1/2 and 3 years of life (collectively) and Mommy and Daddy's 7 years of marriage.  Turns out, you really don't need all that shit!  We still have a lot more than a lot of people, so it's all good.  We think we're going to love our new room.  We'll keep posting pictures as we work on it and get it looking Better Homes and Gardens/Pottery Barn Kids cute!
Love y'all!
Lilly, Anna and Jack

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

 Hey look!  Mommy is less than a week past the actual event!  Yay, Mommy!  Happy Independence Day, y'all!  We celebrated our first Fourth of July like true Southerners!
 See?  (Now give Mama the Costco beer, Lill!)
 Actually we celebrated like we are from Kentucky!  We pulled all our indoor furniture OUT and set off more than a few really loud, really illegal explosives (BAM!)
 But how darling are we all in our red, white and blue?  And look at Jack in his sweet little collared ones-y!  All we're missing is the monograms!
 Aww, Mama, you're so much fun!
 We had a bunch of friends over (and we aren't even unpacked yet!  We entertained in real style!  Styrofoam plates!  Plastic utensils!  Nothing but the best!)  Look!  Jack has a little half smile while someone OTHER than Mommy holds him!
 We got to enjoy a taste of real Southern peaches!  They are so good we had three of them for breakfast this morning!
 Daddy and Duda went golfing on the Fourth and Duda tried to take a nap after dinner.  We fixed him real good  - wake up, Duda!!  Time to go blow shit up!
 We are so lucky we got to bring Babi and Duda down South WITH us!  He's so much fun!  He does awesome things like -
 - brings fiery explosives (aka Sparklers!)  Here, Duda explains the nuances and intricacies of playing with Sparklers...
 ...we're not listening.
 I'm especially wary of these fiery things, so I get to ride on Daddy's shoulders while I decide whether or not to give them a try.
 Mr. Bryan and Teti came, too!  Mommy has found so many awesome things in all the WET boxes in the basement she's unpacked (yes, yes, that's right - the basement leaked water and soaked many of our boxes of crap - some of it salvageable, some of it not).  She found a letter Teti wrote to her when she was 11 and Mommy was *ahem* 22 - which is really weird - because now Teti is 23 and Mama is 29 - go figure!  Anyway the letter said this: "Dear Kris - I miss you soooooo much.  I wish you lived in SC so I would never have to miss you.  Love you lots!  Love, Kimmie"  At the time, Teti lived in Florence, SC and Mommy lived in a magical place called Boulder.  See how life comes full circle?  Now we ALL live in SC ('cept for Uncle Dan who lives in the world of Beignets and Sin!)
 Surprise!  Surprise!  Who do you think took to loving the fiery Sparklers the most?!?
 And here I am - trepiditious - which is not a word.  Is it, Uncle Dan (MA - holla!)  This is right before I singed my arm and called it a night with the fireworks!
 See my band-aid?  S'okay - Mama made it better.  She always does.  Right?  Right!
 Then Daddy really made it better because he's a Doctor and Mommy is not.  Which I love to remind her whenever I get a boo boo and she tries to fix it with "magic."  I may be 4 but I'm not stupid.  I know Doctors fix boo boos, not "magic."  Kudos for trying, Mama!
 Here's a funny picture Daddy got of Mommy and Anna whilst Duda lit off a humdinger of a firework in the yard in our new neighborhood.  Ha!  Take that Yuppie DINKS!  (Turns out our new neighborhood is full of 'em!  Go ahead - JUDGE ME!  Just gives us blog material!)
Ah, new neighbors!  You can take your luxury sports cars and Cooper Minis, your perfectly manicured organic lawns, your Whole Foods reusable shopping bags - we'll take our really loud, really outspoken, really happy, fun, crazy Kentucky Babies and blast you right out of the neighborhood this Fourth of July!
Welcome to the Neighborhood!
Lilly, Anna and Jack

Sunday, July 8, 2012

We're Here!

 We are in South Carolina and FINALLY have internet and TV set up!  It's really weird because for the past 10 days Mommy and Daddy have been having actual conversations when we go to bed instead of farting around online!  Back to our routine!  Maybe Mommy will text Daddy over there in that chair to see how he's doing!
 Well we still had so many wonderful pictures of our last days in Louisville that we opted to share along with our quick rundown of what's going on.  We miss our Louisville friends already but we are enjoying our new house!  It's been too hot to go play or do anything outside but we have all of our toys back now and we are getting to know them again!
We sure talk about our friends - a LOT!  We miss y'all!  We know we will see you again soon - and true friendship means that no matter how long you go without seeing your friends it will still feel like it was only yesterday!  Here in a few days Mama will upload some pictures she took of seeing her ol' friend Kelly (Feeney) Bollinger!  It had been two years but it sure didn't feel like it!  It was great to see them!  It's great to keep your true friends close to your heart!
 Mallorie already paid us a visit!!  We took her down the street to the Northgate Soda Shop for breakfast!  It was awesome!  We've already been back there for milkshakes.  We think they're the best milkshakes in the South - and it's so close we can walk!

 And here are some pictures from our final trip to the Downs!  Jack wasn't too excited about Churchill Charlie - poor Jackie!  Since we've moved here 9 days ago Jack has cut his bottom tooth AND started crawling!  He has the funniest crawl!  We'll post a video (sometime)!
 I made this "project" to always remember my beloved Old Kentucky Home!
And Anna got to pose with this jockey statue that is a GIRL!  Woot!  Mommy and Daddy got to see that girl win the Oaks this year - that is an awesome memory!
We love our Old Kentucky Home and we will always miss it dearly but we are looking forward now to what lies ahead and we look forward to you joining us on our new journey!
The Carolina Babies
Lilly, Anna and Jack

Apple Picking at Skytop

 Apple picking at Skytop has got to be one of my most favorite Fall family traditions.  It is so beautiful, it is so fun, and apples for w...