Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Birthday Parties Part 1

Mommy apologizes, she was realllly busy this week.  So busy she had to call in reinforcements from Nashville (thanks, Babi and Duda!!) 
Here are some pictures from my "real" birthday party at Gattiland on my actual Birthday (which was 9 days ago!)  Mommy, Daddy, Anna and Duda were there to celebrate it with me!  When you turn 3 your birthday is really a week/month-long celebration and it ROCKS!
 Daddy bought me this fabulous cupcake.  I didn't like the frosting, though.  Had a weird aftertaste.  You  know what I'm talking about when it comes to pink food coloring?  Yeah, that.  Frosting is my favorite part of any cake.  In fact, at my birthday party I said, "May I please have more frosting with cake on it?"

 My present from Mommy and Daddy was this BIG, HUGE Princess art kit!  Fabulous!
 And this is a travel Princess art kit from Uncle Mark and Miss Kimberly.  Look at my hands, and my expression!  Thanks, Uncle Mark and Miss Kimberly!
 Duda and Daddy braved the merry-go-round with us.  Mommy and Daddy call this the "Pukey-go-Round."  But we LOVE IT!
 Even Anna looks a little sick here...
Duda hooked me up with about 200 tickets.  I got to pick out so much junk (I mean, PRIZES)!  Note the different shoes...I guess that's a 3 year old thing.  Mommy is really fascinated by my fashion choices.  It's kind of fun letting me do what I want, just to see what I'll do!  I'm very opinionated about what I want to wear.  Mostly I do a pretty good job!
I'll play catch up this week and get more pictures up soon.  Mommy better go, I'm sitting on Anna's head in the play room right now.
Have a Happy Halloween weekend!
Lilly and Anna

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