Monday, June 28, 2010

Sit and Spin Good Times

We hope you all had a WONDERFUL weekend.  We sure did, we played outside a lot, at the water park, the pool, went to the zoo, went to a cookout, a church fair, played in the backyard with all the neighborhood kids...which was, ineteresting.  Our backyard neighbors were having a BIG barbecue last night with about 12 little kids and they all came over to our house - with no Mommies or Daddies - and played on all of our stuff!  Then, no one bothered to offer up any of their food to Mommy to thank her for babysitting for them or anything.  Nice, eh?  Mommy can't imagine going to Babi and Duda's house and letting us have the run of the next door neighbor's house without so much as an introduction and a free beer!  People, please!  Otherwise though, it was a fabulous weekend.
Mommy has a new theory with me and why I don't talk.  Her theory is this: I actually THINK I'm talking but I haven't made the connection between my brain and my mouth to form actual words.  For instance, yesterday we were sitting on the rocking chair and my BABA was on the table right next to us and I started to have a little hissy-fit.  Mommy, ever attentive, attributed my hissy fit to gas or something and more or less ignored me until I was practically punching her in the face.  When that finally did happen Mommy looked over and saw my BABA and said:
"ooooooh, Anna, you want BABA?"

I looked at her, cocked my head to the side, raised my eyebrows and nodded.  I was thinking, "Yes, IDIOT, I want my BABA now give it to me!"
Mommy said, "Anna say, BABA."
I screamed and arched my back and screamed and kicked some more and finally Mommy got the hint, got up and made me a BABA.
So, Mommy knows now, that I DO understand, I CAN hear, I just haven't made the brain to mouth connection.  She feels a little bit better knowing this, that in my own baby way (i.e. temper tantrums) I am communicating with the outside world.
And now, on a sad note...
Uncle Mark's friend, Adam Cox in SC had a very bad accident on Friday night and is in the ICU with severe brain swelling.  It doesn't look good.  Please, all of our virtual friends in the blogosphere, pray if you pray, send good thoughts if you don't.  Either way, please keep this young man in your heart and hope for a miracle.  We are.
Anna and Lilly

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