Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Who Loves Nekkid Babies?

Look at my precious face! And my cute little goozITSA (as Daddy calls it, he puts the emphasis on the ITSA instead of the GOOZI which Mommy thinks is both funny and cute so she doesn't correct him).
Mommy is still getting to know our new camera. It has this high-def flash that casts crazy shadows if there's not enough backlight. Given the nature of the camera I'm sure there's a way around this, we just haven't figured it out yet, but it's sure fun playing around with it till we do!
And, what's this? Verbiage in italics? Why, yes! Because I am Anna Jane and I am my OWN little person! That's not to say I don't want whatever my big sister has at any given moment, I do and I will even fight her for it, but I have MY OWN voice now and Mommy thought this would be an easy way to differentiate my voice from my Sissy's. I'm getting to the point now where I am very VOCAL about what I want and what I don't want...way more vocal than Mommy and Daddy were used to. It's very funny and cute (isn't everything we do "funny and cute"? Mommy needs to drum up some new adjectives). I am now also very adept at crawling around, I can pull up to a stand, and even take some steps if you help me. Before you blink I will be running around chasing my big sister and slapping my Mama's GOOZITSA in the morning when she's getting ready for work.
Anna J

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at that cute little baby chub! So adorable! I can't wait to see you next weekend!!! :)

Love Teti

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