Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Recipe Exchange - Kitty Soup

A few weeks ago Aunt Tracey and Grammy invited Mommy to participate in a recipe exchange. Since Mommy's culinary repertoire consists mostly of boxed macaroni and cheese and hot dogs, she couldn't think of anything to submit. So, I thought I would submit my specialty! Kitty Soup! It's real easy, and don't worry, this is the USA not Vietnam so we don't use real Kittys in our Kitty Soup!
You will need:
2 bowls
1 fork
1 cup Kitty Food - DRY! It MUST be DRY kitty food! Preferably large chunk. I like Science Diet Indoor Cat formula
1 cup water
1 clean workspace, the floor is usually sufficient

Step 1: Combine kitty food into kitty water and stir thoroughly with fork. Feel free to spill all over your clean workspace.

Step 2: Stir to get the right consistency. When kitty food starts to become mushy, you are getting close. This is really a matter of personal preference.

Step 3: Taste test your concoction.

Step 4: That's some good Kitty Soup!




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahaha, I can't believe your Mommy and Daddy actually watch you put that in your mouth and eat it Lilly! You're such a goofball. I miss you.
Love, your Teti

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