Monday, May 10, 2010

Vacation Pics!

Happy belated Mother's Day to all the Mamas in our lives!  A special shout out to Aunt Tracey who got to enjoy her first Mother's Day yesterday!  We love you all and thank you so much for everything you do!!!  We spoiled Mommy a little yesterday, let her take a nap (with Anna) and took her to Jason's Deli (our favorite) and bought her the Flip camera she's been wanting!  So now Mommy will have to start posting more videos!!
We are way behind on our posting.  Mommy wants to let you know this is because she has been very, very busy at work (a good thing when you are in sales!) and also since Blogger changed the way you upload photos it takes FOREVER to get pictures up where it used to take a minute or so!
Since we haven't really given you a "good" update here's a play by play rundown:
- Anna can stand up on her own now.  It's so cute.  She stands up and then claps for herself.  Lilly will walk over to her and grab both of her hands and walk backwards to help Anna "learn" how to walk.  It is just adorable!  When Anna falls down Lilly gives her kisses.  Mommy couldn't have asked for more from Lilly, she is just such a wonderful big sister and very protective of her Baby Anna!
- Anna still only has 2 teeth!
- Anna has found her angry voice and isn't afraid to use it!  You can't give something to Lilly anymore and not to Anna, too!  Including suckers, juice boxes, etc.  What Lilly has, Anna HAS to have or you will HEAR about it!
- Lilly can count to 13 (20 if you ignore 16), say her ABC's and identify half of them if she sees them.  She can almost write her own name!  She can draw "L" and "i"!!!  Mommy has to admit, Mary Lou taught her how to do this.  Isn't she amazing?!?!  We love her so much!  When people say to Mommy "I stay(ed) home because I didn't want someone else raising my kids" Mommy laughs on the inside.  Mommy knows that it truly does take a village and the more people we have in our lives who love us, the better off we are!  Lucky us to have found someone as wonderful as Mary Lou!!!
- Lilly still prefers singing to talking.  This is hilarious.
- Lilly is quite the showgirl.  She takes after her Daddy in that she delights in making people laugh.  She is just hilarious!  Hopefully with Mommy's new Flip she can capture some of these scenes!
Enjoy the pics!  These were taken 2 weeks ago on our first ever family vacation!

Love, Lilly and Anna


Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys had a wonderful time...can't wait to vacation with you in FL!!!

love and kisses

Babi and Duda

The Duda said...

Okay, maybe it's just overprotective Duda, but I'm guessing Lilly missed the minimum height on the ride with the pull-down safety collars by about two feet!

Do not try to teach my granddaughter to fly!


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