Monday, February 1, 2010

Peek A Poop!

I 100% pee-peed in the potty over the weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)! Isn't that amazing? In 2 weeks I practically potty trained myself...practically.
I still haven't tried pooping in the potty. Is this too much information? Too bad, I don't care if it is, it's my blog and I'm not here for your entertainment. Anyway, I poo-poo in my pants, and in the bathtub. Then, I get HYSTERICAL! I SCREAM "MOMMY! I POOPED!! I POOPED!!! CHANGE IT RIGHT NOW!!! I WANT FRESH PANTIES!!! RIGHT!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" This is fine when we're home and all, but when we were out at our friends house....YEOWZA! It's like, Who is this child?
The best story though, is when I poopied in the bath. Obviously, me and Anna take our bath together. Mommy and Daddy are the picture of efficiency, no? Well the other night Daddy was giving us our baths while Mommy was out around the house undoubtedly doing something important when all of a sudden:
That was Daddy.
Mommy comes running in and the first thing she sees is Happy Anna splashing away with a big old gummy grin on her face trying to that...?
And there I am standing on the bath mat screaming my head off:
And if words could only describe the look on Daddy's face! Mommy said to Daddy, "Well get Anna out of the tub!" Oh...yeah! Anna!
And Mommy grabbed me and took me to the changing table and I screamed and cried the whole time "Lilly pooped in the bathy! I pooped on Anna!"
Now how do you NOT laugh when this happens? You can't laugh, though, Mommy! This was a very traumatic experience for me and Anna! (Only nothing traumatizes or scares Anna it only makes her laugh). So very seriously Mommy said to me, "You know, Lilly, next time we can try it in the potty! You can tell Mommy the poopy is coming and we'll sit on the potty, okay? It's okay, that's how you learn."
I say, "I don't WANT to poopy in the potty! I poopy in my pants and Mommy clean it!"
Nice. The joys of motherhood. I poopy, Mommy cleans it. Kind of like a metaphor, right?
Lilly and Anna

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