Sunday, October 21, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday, Lilly Bean!

 Lilly Bean, I hate how fast the time is going but I LOVE watching you get big.  You know today is so very extra special to me, too because five years ago today when you came into our world I became a Mommy and WE became a family.  You did that, Lilly Bean!
Today really reminded me of the day you were born.  It was a beautiful, perfect Sunday.  No clouds in the sky - a perfect Fall day - the best kind of day for havin' a baby!  And the best kind of day for having a picnic lunch in your honor! 
This past year has brought a lot of change in our world.  First we had Baby Jack!  What a good big sister you are!  It is so fun to watch you play with him and teach him things!  You love him and your little sister so much!  You take your job as Big Sister VERY seriously!  I treasure the moments I watch you teach them something new.  They look up to you so much Lilly Bean!  It's a big responsibility and sometimes I know it's not your favorite but you handle it so well (eh - most of the time - I'm gonna be real here).
Then of course, we left "our world" in Kentucky for our new world in South Carolina.  That's been kind of hard on you - but you have been such a trooper!  I know you miss your friends, I know most of all you miss Mary Lou.  This is probably the first birthday you can even remember that we haven't been with Tucker and Mackinsey, Mallorie, Mary Lou and all your other Louisville friends.  Believe me when I tell you that it breaks my heart.  I'm so grateful though for the world we live in today and that keeping in touch with our friends is a lot easier and the whole world just a little smaller than it used to be.  Next year I hope we have new friends that you will grow up with and come to love - "silver" friends ("Make new friends, but keep the old - one is silver and the other gold").  With your kind, sweet heart I know that won't be hard for you to do, Lilly Bean.
These days go so fast.  Right now we're watching you learn how to write your name and it will feel like tomorrow you will be marching down the aisle for your high school diploma.  I can't even think that far ahead because I really try to treasure TODAY and how precious it is.  You're good at doing that Lilly, and you're really good at reminding me to do that.  I love you so much.
You are such a beautiful girl, Lilly - inside and out, up and down, over and sideways, every way you look.  My prayer for you every day is that you will hold strong to who you are, that you will be kind, that you will know you are loved so much by so many people, that you will stay healthy (so EAT those vegetables and not just corn!) and that you will grow into the wonderful, special woman I know you are meant to be.  Just don't do it too fast, 'kay?  I want to hold you just a little bit longer.
Happy 5th Birthday, Lilly Bean!  I love you with all my heart!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy 5th Birthday, Lilly Bean! We love you so much and were so happy we could help you celebrate your special day. May God bless you forever and may you be blessed with many, many, more special birthdays!!!

Love always,

Babi and Duda <3

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