Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cindagrella, Cindagrella, Cindagrella!

Hello?  Yes, this is Servant Mommy calling our BFF's for some Princess Fun at the Dinner Theater with Rogers & Hammerstein's Cinderella!  Let's all meet up and have some fabulous dinner, watch Cinderella hook herself a man, manage not to cut her feet open in glass slippers (really?  glass slippers?), drink some girly cocktails while Mommy and Miss Amy lament over how unrealistic stupid Cinderella really is and how fairytales set little girls up for disappointment later in life.  Until Mommies meet Daddies that is...

Here I am with the cast of Cinderella!  Something about those bright lights really got me hopped up!
As you can see here, I am very disappointed that Mommy did not bring me a crown to wear and that I had to settle with these SUNGLASSES to substitute.  *Sigh*  Geez, Mommy.
And here's Miss Amy with Princess Mackinsey, one of my BFF's...love that beautiful smile, Macki!

Fun!  Lights down, show's about to start!
This is one of Macki's things, showing us her tonsils...I think that's funny!
Mommy and Me...
Oddly enough, as excited as I was during the whole show, and as willing as I was to wait in line for a picture with Cinderella and "Prince Christopher" aka Prince Charming, this is the best face Mommy could get out of me for a picture.  I smell poo or something...really!
In all, a fabulous show.  Not bad for my first!  Mommy really loves theater and hopes that I do too, and when I'm older we will take trips to NYC to see real shows on Broadway and maybe one day I'll be in one of those shows, who knows?!  You never know...
Lilly and Anna

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