Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back To It...

We love going to the zoo.  It's one of our favorite places to go.  We went to the zoo in Cincinnati today with Daddy, but these are older pictures from a recent Lou Zoo trip with Mommy.  We are in Ohio all weekend which is strangely odd to Mommy who will actually have the whole house to herself tonight.  No poopy diapers, no crying, no negotiating for bedtime, and that's just by having Daddy gone!  Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, sometimes Mommy really cracks herself up on this blog.
On our way to Cincinnati this morning (which is about an hour and a half drive) Daddy called Mommy about 50 minutes after he left.  He said, "Guess where we are?"  Mommy said, "Northern KY?"  Daddy said, "No, we haven't even made it to the KY Motor Speedway yet" (which is about halfway b/w Lou and Cincy).  Mommy laughed.  Three stops in 50 minutes and Anna had gotten out of her carseat and started to climb towards me to take my bunny rabbit away.  Ha ha ha!  Ha ha ha! or white tonight, Mommy?
Anna is sprouting some of her top back teeth now!  So funny for the longest time she had only the two, now she has almost 7 in just a few weeks.  This might explain the crankiness.  Hers and Mommy's!  But still the sweetest thing ever.  We got a video of Anna practically making out with Mommy last night.  She comes to give you kisses right on the lips and once she starts she doesn't stop and it's hilarious, and cute, and precious, and awesome!   Her little personality is really coming out and believe it or not, she says more than just "Quack" now.  She can also say, "Hey!" and "Mamamama" and "All done" and "Uh oh" and "It's empty" and "What a time suck this blog is while you're supposed to be working!"
Anna wanted to show you those top 4 teeth...
Have we posted this before?  Eh, can't remember...  Here we are.  Mommy and the Monkey in the Mist.

And here I am with Boing, back to back Monkeys.
That's all for now, folks!  Mommy is going to see Phish this weekend with her super fun, cool, funky college friends and Teti so she'll be out of commission until possibly next September because going to Phish concerts seems to make her dumber for some inexplicable reason, not really sure.  Maybe I'll find out when I grow up.  NOT!  I'm not allowed to go to Phish concerts.  Ever.  And, Mommy says Daddy isn't allowed to, either.  That's why we're going to Troy.
Thanks, Daddy for giving Mommy a much needed Mommy break to get stupid with all of her phriends!
Lilly and Anna

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Apple Picking at Skytop

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