Saturday, April 10, 2010

It's MY Party and Well, You Know...

I know you've all been wondering where the pictures from my birthday party are.  There are just so many of them, I'm going to have to tell Mommy to upload them to a Picasa album for you all to look at.  Blogger changed the way you upload photos and it seems to take FOREVER now and it's driving Mommy NUTS!  So I thought I would post some highlights from my Bunny Birthday Party for you.
Here I am crying because Sissy took all my new toys away from me and hardly let me open any of my presents.  But it's okay, she gave me a hug.  That's her new thing: she takes something away from me and I cry (which I never used to but I do now) and then she hugs me and says, "I know, I know, I know, Anna, it's okay, I'm here." and then proceeds to take my toy away from me anyway.  You see what she's holding in her hand?  That's MY money.  MINE!
We had an Easter egg hunt in the backyard for my party.  That was pretty cool.  Mommy personalized all of our buckets with a marker.  Isn't she crafty?  A marker.  Well Mackinsey made Mommy's day when she got her bucket and ran around screaming, "It has my name on it!  It has my name on it!"  She didn't care that it was in marker and Mommy did it one night while she was watching TV.  Me, I didn't care at all, I can't read and I didn't quite grasp the concept of Easter egg hunt.  Next year!
This is a fun picture, because it looks like we are scoping out my loot when in fact Duda is scoping out what candy he is going to take from my bucket.  Hope you enjoyed your candy, Duda!  You won't get to do that again!  I'm on to you, Mister!
There are two reasons for the incredulous look on my face.  One, Mommy actually made that cupcake.  Made it, frosted it, and everything.  Remarkable.  Two, what the hee haw is on my head?  Is it a birthday hat?  Why, no, it isn't.  Why not?  Because it didn't occur to Mommy to buy a birthday hat, but she found these ears from last year and improvised.  We kinda sorta had an Easter theme for my birthday party so she decided to go with it and once again, 2nd child gets shafted.
This about sums up my party.  It was tiring.  It's tiring being the center of all that attention.  It's tiring having your shiny new toys taken away from you by your big sister.  But you know?  It sure is a lot of fun and I wouldn't trade my awesome family and friends for nothin!  Not even the Reese's Peanut Butter egg Duda took out of my bucket!

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