Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bon Anniversaire, Papa, Part Deux

Mmmmm...frosting.  Yummy.  Do you know what else is yummy?  Cake!  We helped Mama frost Daddy's cake.  Do you want to know what we DIDN'T help Mama do?  We didn't help her make it.  Thank.  Goodness!  Mama learned a very important lesson last Thursday.  DO. NOT. EAT. RAW. CAKE. BATTER.  Mommy got sick.  REAL sick.  So sick she's the skinniest she's been since college!  Woo hoo!  Puking has it's advantages?  Mommy that is horrible.  Mommy did not think that at all Thursday night when it was just her and the porcelain throne for 6 long hours.  Ew, gross.  Mommy is telling you now - don't do it!  It's not worth it!!  Mommy pledges she will never eat raw cake batter, brownie batter or cookie dough again which is a damn shame because chocolate chip cookie dough is one of the greatest treats on Earth but there's no way Mommy will touch anything with raw eggs again.  Ever.  It was THAT bad.
Ha ha ha!  Mommy was going to write captions for this series of photos, but methinks they speak for themselves.  Ha ha ha!

 Daddy got new shoes for his birthday.  And socks and underwear.  Isn't it so fun to turn 34?  We had to use pink wrapping paper for his box because - well, why else?  I did the bows myself.  Well, Mommy tied them. I picked them and placed them.  Tres magnifique, no?
Blogger has tweaked it's format again.  It's much faster to download pictures now, and we're trying the larger size.  Let us know what you think!
Au revoir!
Lilly and Anna

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Apple Picking at Skytop

 Apple picking at Skytop has got to be one of my most favorite Fall family traditions.  It is so beautiful, it is so fun, and apples for w...