Well, I should have known it would happen, what with being on the WORLD WIDE WEB and all, but Mommy got a not-very-nice message from some cyber-idiot in Canada on my YouTube page. Don't worry, Mommy gave that cyber-whack job a piece of her mind, but nonetheless the damage was done. So unfortunately for now, no more YouTube videos EXCEPT for YouTube users with accounts who subscribe to my page. So for my grandparents out there, if you want to see my videos from now on Mommy will be happy to tell you how to sign up for a user account to view them.
Also, in case there are any cyber-losers looking at my web page Mommy wants you to know she tracks hits on this page. So if it comes down to it she will require log-in to view my blog. That isn't cool but neither are cyber-jerks with nothing better to do than write derogatory and inflammatory messages about babies.
Curse the Cyber Idiots!
Lilly Beans!
Those ugly people! They have no business being on your page. All you're trying to do is keep your fans entertained and updated on what you're doing in your little life. We love to see what you're up to. It helps to get your uncle and I through our days at work, blah! Keep your head up Lilly, those people are just jealous of you:)
Oh my Dearest Lilly!
What could this jerk possible written??? It never ceases to amaze me how people can be so ignorant! We love you and hope Mommy continues to post videos, but only to family and friends!!!
love you so much!
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