Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Birthday, Uncle Marko!

Happy Dirty Thirty Uncle Mark!
How does it feel to turn the corner into your 30s?!?  One month after Mommy turned 30 she had ME!  So it was truly a new decade and a new phase for her.  Mommy thinks 30's get a bad rap and that they are actually pretty awesome but they can be a little scary, too.  I mean, now you can't play that "I'm young and carefree" card as often because you know, you got a JOB, SON and you got BILLS and you're THIRTY!  Remember how old 30 seemed when you and Mommy were little and you were pedaling your Big Wheel up and down the driveway singing stupid songs and smiling that big ol' shit grin?  
Mommy thinks you're a pretty special guy, Uncle Mark and she's awful proud of you.  We can't wait to see what the 30's hold in store for you.  Pretty awesome things, we bet.
What we are MOST excited for however is celebrating your birthday with you this Sunday and having cake and ice cream and seeing a show and getting some quality time with you and Aunt Kimber!  If you ask us, we would say the best birthday present you can get is time with us!  You're such a lucky Uncle!
Lilly, Anna and Jack


Anonymous said...

Happy big THREE-OH Marko! And let the record show your ol' man didn't forget your big day! Mom assures me Miss Kimber took you out and spoiled you on the last night of your youth and I didn't want to interrupt!

So Happy Birthday "ol' Son!"

Love Dad

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear you will have your own special party with Uncle Markie and Auntie Kimber! We love our Lilly and Anna Days and soon Jackie too!

Happy Birthday, Mark! We hope 30 brings you alots of joy and happiness!!!



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