Thursday, November 29, 2012


 So what the honky tonk has been goin' on y'all?! Well, since we have been out of commission we thought we'd give you a high level update!  Why have we been out of commission, you ponder? Because Daddy dropped the Mac.  It will cost $1240 to fix.  Not twelve dollars and forty cents.  Twelve HUNDRED dollars plus forty!  Who dropped the Mac?  Daddy dropped the Mac.  The helpful hipster at the Mac store said to Mama, "You may want to consider a desktop - they're harder to break with younger children."  Young children or young at heart 30 something year old Daddy's?  Good news is Homeowner's Insurance covers it!  Bad news is we have a $1500 deductible!  Merry Christmas, Daddy!  You're getting a new Mac!
Let's get to the important stuff: Jack is walking! Can you believe that?  He is also climbing up (and even trying to go down) stairs! He has also learned the ubiquitously useful phrase: Uh oh! 
 What else happened?  Daddy had FOUR days alone with us nuggets while Mommy went to NYC with some BFF's from for-eva ago.  She spent a lot of money on food, and clothes.  CLOTHES.  And that is what she brought us.  Some cheesy, stupid "I heart New York" tshirt.  "You got us clothes?" and I said it disgustedly.  I even added a sneer.  Then I said, "Not even a book?  You got us a shirt and mine is not even yellow."  Strike for Mommy.  Now she knows how Babi felt when she would come home from vacation with cheesy touristy t-shirts like the one she got Mommy when she went to Puerto Rico with Duda that said, "Lifestyles of the Young and Useless."  And Mommy was 12.
Daddy had a great weekend with us.  We went to pick up Mommy at the airport with our homemade "MOMMY" signs and it was the sweetest thing ever.  It's harder and harder to leave her little nuggets.
 I'm still precious.  I still talk back.  I'm still full of sass.  I'll still get in your face.  'Nuff said.  Dude.
 I got to try my first sucker a couple weeks ago.  It's awesome.  Freakin' awesome!
And me?  Well, I have the biggest news of all.
"Mommy," I said last night in the car while the two of us went to Target to buy me some Ugg knockoffs because Daddy NIXED the real ones ("They cost how much? No, NO, that is just too much - take them back!") anyway I liked my Target ones better.  I really did.  I digress, back to what's important here, "Mommy, I think I'm in a crush with Wade."
"We can't stop looking at each other."
Oh.  God.  I'm not ready for this.
"Well, Lilly - look!  Over there!  A zabamamoose hanging from the tree!"
Think!  Think!  Think!  Mommy!  THINK!  What do you say to your 5 year old who tells you she has her first crush!?!?  Got it!
"Lilly, let's turn on your Barbie movie and talk about this with Daddy when we get home."
YESSSSSS!  Daddy will know what to do!
At home: "Daddy, I think I'm in a crush with Wade."
"I'm calling his father."
"I'm locking you in your bedroom."
"I said, I think I'm in a crush with Wade."
"Oh.  I don't know Wade."
"He's a boy at school.  He has blonde hair and blue eyes like me.  And that's really pretty together.  And I think we're in a crush because we can't stop looking at each other."
Uh oh.
The rest of it is all kind of a blur.  Joke as we may, we have to be careful with this, right?  We can't get mad, upset or CRY LIKE MOMMY DID because what if Lilly gets to thinking she did something wrong or she's scared of telling us these things?  She needs to tell us these things!  So Mommy can call his mother and chew her out for her son taking advantage of my sweet, precious, baby!!  I mean, seriously - we weren't at all prepared for this!  There are no freaking books on this (or are there?!) - not for your just turned 5 year old talking about crushing, looking at each other, making out and moving in together!  It's all happening too fast!  TOO FAST!
So today - both Mommy and Daddy came to get us from school.  Daddy wanted to see this Wade character.  Mommy thought it would be a good idea because she saw him this morning and guess what?  He's a sweet, goofy 5 year old who's all ears and clueless.  So it would be good for Daddy to see he doesn't have tattoos and drive a motorcycle (yet).  Daddy picks us up, maybe gives Wade an "I'm her Daddy don't mess with my daughter" look which would mean nothing at all to a 5 year old.  Either way, I'm so excited to see Mommy and Daddy pick me up from school that when we get out to the parking lot I can hardly contain myself when I say to them (and this is a direct quote - no artistic liberties here):
"Daddy, I figured it out.  I'M IN LOVE WITH WADE."
Lilly, Anna and Jack


Anonymous said...

First come's love, then comes.... Marriage at the age of 6!

Good luck! ;)
<3 Teti

Uncle Dan said...

Liily can't be in a crush with Wade. Besides having an abominally stupid name, Lilly being in a crush with Wade means that there's no room to crush on Uncle Dan. I guess I'll have to buy mo' candy.

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 Apple picking at Skytop has got to be one of my most favorite Fall family traditions.  It is so beautiful, it is so fun, and apples for w...