Friday, November 9, 2012

Jack's 1 Year Stats and Stuff

 Here's MY birthday post!  It's pretty late, because I'm the 3rd kid and I'm pretty lucky I even got a party!
 For my birthday we had a few friends over and my favorite supper - PIZZA!  Babi said she couldn't believe Mama lets me eat pizza.  What is pizza but bread, cheese and sauce?  It's a wholesome meal in one convenient, triangle shaped slice.  Not only am I getting three levels of the food pyramid - I'm learning my shapes, too!
 Pizza rocks.
 Know who else rocks?  My Teti.  She rocks!  Her birthday is tomorrow!  That's what made Mama think she better get my birthday pictures up because hot on the heels of Teti's birthday is Uncle Dan Man's birthday!
 Oh my goodness, these girls are so pretty and sweet.  Aren't I lucky?  You know how many kids are going to want to be friends with me just so they can come over to my house and make googly-eyes at my big sisters?
 Uncle Mark knows all about that.  He had this friend named Warren who used to love to come over and stare at my Mommy's goozie.  And shoot things with his BB gun.  And cause and all around ruckus. And do other.  Um, stuff.  You know.  Boys.
 This was the cutest picture of ME.  Look how happy I am.  I'm a pretty happy boy.  It's fun for Mommy to watch me live in this kids' world I live in.  It's fun to think how different things were for Lilly when she was 1 and still (for only a short time) the only one.  And then when Anna turned 1 and how Lilly was only 2.  And Mama thinks she must have been crazy to do that but we survived and had so much fun we went for Round 3!  Lucky Mama!
 My sisters had a lot of fun opening my presents.  I had a lot of fun actually getting toys made for boys.

 What I enjoyed playing with the most was the glow sticks!  The 50 cent glow sticks.  Go figure.
 I love this picture.  Look how excited Lilly is to have a big truck to schlep her My Little Pony crap all over the house!
 Cake time!  Behold the store bought cake.  Thanks a lot, Mom!  I guess 2 homemade birthday cakes in 5 days was too much to ask, huh?

 Makes me no difference.  Cake is cake and mmm, mmm dat's gooooodddd!!!
I checked out with a clean bill of health!  I'm 20 lbs which is 25%.  I'm little but I *think* I'm Mama's biggest baby!  I'm also 49% for height but for the life of her Mommy can't remember how tall I am.  I got a toe prick, a finger prick, and four shots.  Mommy was not my favorite person at the Dr's office yesterday.
I still do not sleep through the night.  I still do not talk.  I still only have my 2 bottom teeth.  However - my top right incisor has cut through!  That's it!  I hope it comes all the way in before any of the other teeth because then I will look like a baby hillbilly from Kentucky and that will be HILARIOUS.  Here's to hoping for 99 more years as good as the first!

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Apple Picking at Skytop

 Apple picking at Skytop has got to be one of my most favorite Fall family traditions.  It is so beautiful, it is so fun, and apples for w...