Thursday, November 17, 2011

Off the Chart!

 I went in for my 4-year checkup yesterday and I am OFF THE CHART for (can you guess?) - HEIGHT!  And if there was a chart for shoe size I'd probably be off that too considering I'm now wearing the same size as my friend Mackinsey who is 2 years older than me!  As far as weight/BMI goes I am 3%ile - does that surprise you?  Anna is getting big, too - she's nearlt outgrown 2T clothes already.  Man, this goes fast!
I cracked Mommy up at the store last week.  Mommy and I went shopping at Target by ourselves for a little Mommy-Daughter shopping time and we took our time perusing the clearance jewelry.  I found about 100 things I wanted to "ask Santa" for.  Finally, I said to Mommy, "Mommy, do we pray to Santa?"
"Ummm...probably not, Honey, we can pray to God."
"Okay!  Well then, I want to pray to God to give Santa a message."
As I was walking down the aisle, in front of a whole bunch of people, I closed my eyes, clapped my hands together and said, "Dear God, please tell Santa I want a lot of jewelry for Christmas.  I want rings and necklaces and bracelets.  Amen!"
"Amen!" THAT'S MY GIRL, people!  Praying to God for jewelry in the middle of public.  Try not to laugh at that - but you can't!  Because praying is serious business!  Even if it's just for jewelry!
On another note, Boots is gaining weight!  He is 6 lbs 14 oz now.  Yesterday was his 3 week birthday.  He is NOT off the charts but that is fine - so long as he stays ON the charts for weight.  He is doing very good.  Mommy is spoiling the tar out of him, how can she not?  Look at the precedent we've set!
Finally, since Grampa was the only one who got his creative juices flowing when Mommy gets around to it we will be renaming our blog!  B3 - Bean, Banana Bear and Boots!  We are adding "Banana" because when I get mad at Anna (frequently, like when she takes my toys or breathes my air) I yell "Anna Ba-Na-Na!" (instead of Anna Jane - this is hilarious to everyone in ear shot, especially Anna) so look forward to that...sometime!
Lilly, Anna and Jack

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