Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy Birthday, Anna!

Anna is 5 months old today! She is going to get rice cereal tonight for the first time. Mmmm...I remember the first time I had rice cereal I didn't poop for over 5 days! I hope Anna doesn't have the same problem. It's quite uncomfortable! She is almost sitting up on her own and she can roll over from her tummy to her back. We've tried to get that on camera but every time we bring it out she just sits and smiles at us. She's so sweet and cute.
This is a picture of me pretending to make Anna a cake. It's actually a batch of brownies we cooked up for the heck of it last week. I like to help Mommy out in the kitchen when I can. If it involves mixing, stirring and licking a chocolate spoon. I'm quite good at it.
I'm also getting quite good at mimicking people, especially Mommy. I repeat every sentence. Every. Sentence. Mommy has had to revise her trucker vocabulary. She should anyway, it's not very ladylike to speak the way she does. She's working on being more ladylike. After all, she IS 31 again. So she should start acting like it.
Me, I'm going to keep acting like the almost 2-year old that I am!


Anonymous said...

Look at Anna's big beautiful BROWN eyes, and your huge toothy smile. How did I get so lucky to have 2 beautiful nieces??! I miss and love you both, and hopefully your Teti can make a trip down when I visit Babi and Duda next weekend.

Anonymous said...

What about those lashes???!

Love all you guys!


Apple Picking at Skytop

 Apple picking at Skytop has got to be one of my most favorite Fall family traditions.  It is so beautiful, it is so fun, and apples for w...