Monday, August 21, 2017

No promises but...

Has it really been two YEARS since we've blogged?  Yes, yes it has.  What in the world with technology getting so easy to share things these days I've taken to posting photos and updates on Facebook and Instagram.  Little snippets here and there but no deep thoughts.  Recently I decided Facebook has become too much for me.  I love seeing how people are doing but I've gotten away from connecting with the people in my real world as opposed to my virtual world and my kids have noticed.  When I deleted Facebook Lilly literally cried out with joy.  What a conviction for me.  I'm sure there will come a time I will get back on but for now my world has gotten quiet and it is so nice.  That said, I know a lot of people we love enjoy and will miss the Facebook updates so I thought we might try to pick the blog back up.  I'm sure it's gotten easier to update in the past two years, no?  Hopefully.  We'll see.  I'll have to play around a bit.  For now, some photos.  This year's cottage trip could not have been more perfect.  Thanks for coming back.

See y'all soon!

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Apple Picking at Skytop

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