Monday, September 17, 2012

Waka Waka!

 Mommy starts an awful lot of posts with "Sorry it's been so long!"  Shyeah!  This stay at home stuff - NOT for the faint of heart!  How does a stay at home Mommy get anything done?  Don't ask MY Mommy!  She doesn't know!
We got haircuts!  We got haircuts!  We got haircuts!!!  Mama took pictures with the iPad and guess what?  Can't post 'em on Blogger.  Figures!  It was quite an experience, though!  Mommy still wants to figure out if she can so she can storytell with pictures so we're going to save it.
 We 3 love to play together.  We have been so BUSY lately!  So busy we can't even SLEEP!  We woke Mommy and Daddy up for a collective 2 hours last night.  Wasn't that nice of us?  Just look how fresh-faced WE are!

 We don't know what Y'ALL have been up to - but we've been up to a whole lot of this: chillin', playin', screamin', eatin' candybars...
 That's right, even Jacky gets a candy bar!
And just regular old all around cuteness!
School is going great so far.  Have our open house tomorrow.  Mama can't wait to hear more from Ms Nancy on how Anna JANE is doing!  (That's her "school name"!  It's so cute!  And so Southern!)  Ms Nancy did say to Mama that, "Anna Jane tried that first week to show me what's she's made of, but then I showed HER what I'M made of and she didn't want none of that!"  Amen, Sister!  Stay strong!  This little nugget will try to bust ya!
When Mommy tucked Anna Jane into bed tonight she said to Mommy, "Snuggle me for just THREE minutes!" then she grabs Mommy's neck and gives her an Anna Bear hug and lots and lots of kisses kisses kisses!  It's the best part of our going to bed routine!  And then I (Lilly, in case you forgot) - I, Lilly - gather about 13 books, Big Dog, Little Dog, Puppy Dog and Binky, somehow fit it all on to my bed, put myself under the sheets and fall asleep like a contortionist around all that stuff.  But it works!
Did Mommy tell you about the time Anna had so much crap on her bed that she fell off in the middle of the night?  On to the hardwood floor?  DID NOT EVEN WAKE UP!  Does that give you some idea of how hard we work during the day?!?!  That she would sleep through a 2 1/2 foot drop on to the hard floor?  No mansy pansy Mommy's allowed!  We got time to make up for now that you're home, Mommy!  Woop!  Woop!
Lilly, Anna and Jack

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Apple Picking at Skytop

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