Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Happy Jack Bathtime Fun!

 Find me a baby who doesn't love a bath!  This kid is no exception!  He loves the bath!  He also loves to crawl around the shower while Mommy is getting ready in the morning.  So since he does that just about every day he doesn't get baths as often as us girls did.  But when he gets them he gets sooooooo excited he makes THIS cute face!
 Yup!  THIS cute face!
 And now THIS cute face is all clean!
And a gratuitous butt shot, because baby butt shots are always cute!
So we've skipped over Jack's 10 month birthday but he's 10 months now!  He is crawling EVERY - EVERYWHERE and he can climb stairs, and he can "cruise" so we think he'll be walking pretty soon!  He loves to play with us.  He can sit in the playroom for what feels like forever and just play, play, play with us!  He loves when I pick him up and bounce him (and Mommy and Daddy say a silent little prayer that I won't drop him - haven't yet!).  He learned how to click his tongue a couple weeks ago and that's his current favorite party trick.  He also gets on our nerves like baby brothers do (sorry Uncle Mark but it's true, when you were little you occasionally got on Mommy and Uncle Dan's nerves - all that cuteness was just too much for them I suppose).  Honestly, it's kind of funny when we start getting irritated with Jacky because then Mommy says stuff like "He's just a baby" or "Girls, he just wants to play with you" - all the same things Mommy's Mommy used to say all the time.
On another note, since we're talking about getting on nerves and whatnot - me, in all my 4 1/2 year old glory - I have learned how to ROLL MY EYES and HUFF at Mommy.  Awesome.  I think Mommy will always remember the first time I rolled my eyes at her, which was just last week.  Seriously, she did not expect this for at least 10 more years!  What?!?
Mommy is taking a little hiatus for the rest of the week!  Her BIRT-DAY is this weekend and she will be in Gatlinburg celebrating with some of her most coolest awesomest friends ever!!!  Can't WAIT!  A whole weekend of Mommy/Girl time!  Woooop!
Have a great week!
Lilly, Anna and Jack

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jack is getting so big!! I looked at some of his baby pictures from last year and I can't believe that he AND Lilly will be celebrating their birthdays in a little over a month... what to get them, what to get them!!

Have a blast this weekend! Wish I could make it, but I need to pick up stuff from Babi and Duda's.... and clean! Plus watch some football and watch my fantasy team kick butt!!

<3 Teti

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