Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year!  We hope you all had a WONDERFUL holiday like we did!  Did you make any New Year's resolutions?  Want to hear Mommy's?
1. Mommy has cut dairy, carbs and sugar out for 2 weeks.  She is on Day 2.  Yesterday she did pretty good, she only had half of one cupcake and today only 3 chocolate chip cookies.  That is not a bad start.  She's doing this partly for herself, mostly for Jack.  Poor bugger has reflux, we hear this might help.
2. Mommy is following this blog: Clean Mama and following Clean Mama's easy, every day instructions which are laid out to help Mama find some rhyme and reason to this thing called House.  Let me tell you, having 1 kid is like a hobby, having 2 is kind of a bad joke but having 3?  We aren't messing around anymore.  This is serious, people.  If Mommy's not careful this house will eat us all...
3.  Mommy is going to send cards.  On time.  All kinds of cards: thank you's, birthdays, please will you send us money cards, etc.  Look for your card in the mail.
4.  Mommy is going to get her sexy back (see Resolution #1) and bust a move.  So far, so good.  She did the stair stepper today at the Y for 30 minutes.  One of the trainers asked her if she was having fun.  Fun?  Is a stair stepper supposed to be fun?  I'll tell you what's fun - eating cookies and sitting around the house all day.  THAT'S FUN!  Well, she's almost into all those jeans in her closet.  Almost.  Not quite.  Mommy did make the mistake today of not bothering to try on any of her work clothes before her first day back to work today.  Oops.  Sweats don't fly in the office.  Nor do faded holey jeans...  Hmmmm...leggings?  Probably shouldn't...shouldn't but Mommy loves to do things she knows she shouldn't do!  We settled for corduroys because they are stretchy and borderline office appropriate, and stretchy.
 As mentioned, today was Mommy's first day back at work.  I got to stay home with Babi for no good reason at all except that yesterday I said my belly hurt and I wanted to stay home, but I got some good time in with Babi so it was well worth it.  Anna took Jack to Mary Lou's for the first time and Mama didn't even cry!  Know why?  Because she couldn't wait to get back to work!  HA!  That's only kind of a joke!  Seriously it's because we really, really love Mary Lou and Mama knows we are in very good hands when we are there.  We gave Mommy some extra special love and cuddles tonight, which were AWESOME!
 We also did silly, because that's what we do!
And now we are settling into watching Michigan play in the Sugar Bowl with Babi and Duda.  So far it's not too pretty, but it's early so - GO BLUE!!!
Last but not least - HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY, BABI!!!!  Your card is in the mail.  (Just joking, you already got your card!)  We love you!
Lilly, Anna and Jack

1 comment:

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

What a beautiful family!! Love these fun candid pics. Happy new Year :)

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