Monday, December 14, 2009

O Christmas Tree!

We made our annual trek to the Christmas tree "farm" (aka, Home Depot) - oh, the weekend after Thanksgiving (but with so much to blog about we are sure to fall behind!) Thought maybe we'd get the pictures up! This is probably our last year (for a while anyway) that we make our trek to the Christmas tree "farm" because Mommy and Daddy are going to probably bite it and *gasp!* buy a fake tree. We always buy our tree Thanksgiving weekend with the best intentions, Mommy usually forgets to water it enough (come to think of it) and really - a real tree is going to set you back about $40 bucks (every year) and this year we had to buy all new lights because all FOUR of our strands pooped out on us (cha-ching! cha-ching!) and you can get pretty darn nice looking fake trees with lights attached for about $70 bucks. So there, in a Christmas and a half it has paid for itself. Mommy loves real trees, though. She always had "faux" trees growing up and hated it. I guess she thought real trees were for rich people therefore when she was young she decided she'd be rich and buy a real tree every year when she grew up. Well, that first part we are still working on (I hear PowerBall is up in the double digit millions again?) but this year, with a little convincing from Daddy (the epitome of "budget conscious") she relented and agreed, it's time to go faux! Better to spend that hard earned cash on diapers, right?
I can't believe we are only 11 days away from the BIG DAY! Last night we went shopping for Miss Mary Lou and I picked out some tea for her. We dined at Jason's Deli (and then ran like hell out the door so the cleaning crew didn't chase us down for the mess Anna made) - (actually, that's a joke. Daddy literally cleaned it on his hands and knees. We just can't be "those people" who trash a restaurant and go. Mommy and Daddy HATE THAT! SO TACKY!!!!) We drove around the neighborhood and looked at lights and sang Christmas songs. The lights weren't that great (I guess its the economy?) Daddy said, "Come on people! This is the rich neighborhood! You've got money!" To which I said, "Come on dudes! You've got money!" You think I'm joking?
These days when we drive around we insist Mommy sit in the back seat with us ("we" being me and Anna). I say, "Mommy! Sit with your two babies!" And then Daddy drives us around like he's our driver. Ha ha. It's so great being a girl!
Get back to work, people! The clock's a tickin'!
Lilly and Anna

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being that your Teti is still in college and doesn't have a real job, but yet a fast food job. She would have to agree with Mommy and Daddy when they leave behind their messes. I have found however that the people that leave the biggest messes are the High School students that think their maids follow them around everywhere. If I didn't make the food right infront of them, I would spit in it. JUST KIDDING!

Love you little pumpkins.

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