Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Will the Real Christmas Please Stand Up?

Awwww, look at Mully. So cute.
Okay loyal fans, we are SO far behind (again) on our updates. I apologize in advance, Mommy doesn't have time today to sort the pictures, so we're just going to have to work with what we've got. It's been busy, both babies are sick with RSV/Bronchiolitis which STINKS. Mommy now has the Mommy of all head colds and Daddy just hasn't even been home all month he's been working so much. But the gist of all that is that January is just whizzing right past us, we're already 1/3 over. Anna already turned 9 months old (!!!) It's good to stay busy but time flies!
We spent the "real" Christmas day at Babi and Duda's house this year. And I got my first little blue box... Actually, this is Mommy's little blue box. But just look at the joy on my face. It appears at 2 years old I already love little blue boxes.

Here is Mommy with HER baby sister...

And Babi and Duda wading through their loot... Do you see "Big Dog" in the foreground? That was Uncle Dan's present to Anna, but I sleep with him every night in my big girl bed. Big Dog spoons me. He is like, almost exactly my size.

Here I am wearing my Tinkerbell costume. And here is Daddy wearing my Tinkerbell Princess Fairy crown.

The fam on Christmas mornin'...

Oh, look! A box!

Yum! A box!

My Babi is so pretty and totally and completely looks 10 years younger than she is. Thank God for good genes!

And here's the fam on Christmas eve before Mass. That's right, we went to Mass this year and we were SOOOOO good!!!

We get to open 1 present each on Christmas eve. We opened our presents from Uncle Mark and Miss Kimberly. They got us fuzzy backpacks and a book called "The Prettiest Fish" or something...can't remember. Anyway Miss Kimberly said to Mama it was her "favorite book as a child" and Mama looked at the Copyright issue date of the book and said, "Oh, I was a Sophomore in High School when this book was published." Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! You are OLD, Mommy!

I see a resemblance.

Finally, some fun with Mulligan. Poor old, Mulligan. We're so glad you made it for another Christmas Big Guy.
And that was our Final Christmas! Mommy and Daddy and Babi, Duda, Teti and Uncle Mark all had fun. They went to the neighbor's house and started shots at 10:30 and beer drinking all day. Happy birthday, Baby Jesus! We sure know how to celebrate. We really missed Uncle Dan though, he can turn any event into a beer drinkin' party.
And, Uncle Dan, we're so sorry we haven't sent your Christmas presents yet. *Sigh* Please forgive us. We LOVE YOU, we DO!!!!! We missed you at Christmas!!!!!
Lilly and Anna


Anonymous said...

Don't worry about it kids. Your gramma's birthday present has been sitting on my passenger's seat for almost two weeks. Tell your mom to be a champ and discreetly provide me with that address.

Anonymous said...

I'll remember this...Dan!

Anonymous said...

Lilly, I think your mommy forgot to document one very fun night she had Christmas week with Teti and Miss Kimberly.

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