Thursday, January 28, 2010

Look at Me, I'm so HAPPY!!!

Hi, look at me, I'm happy! Happy! Happy! All the TIME! I'm sick? That's okay! I'll still smile and give you hugs and kisses. I have a bum diaper rash? It's cool! Look at me smile! Sissy knocked me face first into the carpet? Just come get me, and it's all good.
People could learn a lot from me. Don't worry, be happy!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I Shake My Little Tush on the Catwalk...

This is Marina, one of Mommy's college BFF's little girls (is that proper English? Not sure, oh well.) We went to visit Marina, her sister Ambrielle, and their Mommy Kimberly this past weekend in Lexington! Mommy and Kimberly even got to go out for a couple drinks before I woke up and Kimberly's Mommy, Mrs. Little, brought me downstairs to play (at midnight). I just LOVED Mrs. Little. When Mommy did come back we stayed up with Anna until 1:00 in the morning and I told her for an hour how much I loved Mrs. Little.
Marina is a model. Can you tell? She seriously is. She has modeled duds for Nieman Marcus that cost more than some people's cars. She's modeled Burberry coats, Dolce and Gabbana dresses, how glamorous! She doesn't get to keep anything she models though. That's too bad.

And as everyone who knows me knows, I am NOT modeling material. In fact, can you find me in this picture? I'm in there. Look hard...

Oh, there I am! On the floor having a fit because I don't want my picture taken! Marina may be a model, but I'm a DIVA!
On an unrelated note, I wore Princess panties ALL DAY yesterday with NO accidents! I peepeed in the potty a total of 7 times! My arms were covered with stamps and my potty chart is filling up fast. I love to call everybody and tell them my news when I am having such a great day! Babi and Grandma get so excited you can almost hear them jumping up and down on the other side of the line! That makes me so happy I talk about it for the rest of the night. Last night after I talked to Babi I kept saying, "Babi so proud of Lilly! Lilly is Babi's big girl!" Grandma was so proud of me she sent me stickers and a card in the mail! So while I was sitting on my potty yesterday I got to open my very own letter with STICKERS! That is VERY exciting for a 2 year old! THANK YOU GRANDMA!!! I love you so much!
Lilly and Anna

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Photography By Lilly

Turns out, I like to be on the OTHER side of the camera. I'm now booking sessions. Call me on my celly. First come, first served. I'm a very busy two-year old and my schedule fills up fast so better hurry!

On another note, I pee peed THREE times in the potty today!! Wooooo-hoooo!!! I'm going to use the money I save on diapers to buy myself some nice new kicks or something.
Mommy has been so busy she forgot to pay the water bill. We came home last night to NO WATER. Let me tell you how unlike Mommy it is to not pay a bill. She actually thought she paid the stupid thing using online bill pay but it didn't process and that was all the thought Mommy gave to it until last night Daddy said, "Did you forget to pay the water bill?" Incidentally, it was only 3 weeks overdue - not even 30 days! They don't mess around here. Stupid water company. Anyway Mommy offered to let Daddy start paying the bills and he said, "No, thanks. I'll go to the store and get water." He did not get enough for us to take a bath. I guess that's just a family sacrifice you have to make when you are too busy to remember where you put your toothbrush.
BUT we have water now. Water, glorious water!
Lilly and Anna

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Big News Weekend

We had a very exciting, very busy weekend! First of all - I PEE PEED IN THE POTTY! Really, truly pee peed! Like, I said, "Mommy, the pee pee is coming." Mommy said, "Oh, well we better get you on the potty." And I went, just like that and got all kinds of goodies and we had a party at Gattiland (our favorite generic version of Chuck E. Cheese). Last night Mommy and I made a potty chart to hang up in the bathroom and she busted out my Princess Panties. I went in the potty twice this weekend. Not a bad start!

Sissy has big news, too! She cut her first tooth last night! She told Mommy allllll about it, allllll. night. long. Mommy is very tired today and of course Daddy doesn't come home from work until tomorrow so Mommy is looking forward to another night of talking 'bout Anna's teeth. And, typical of babies, this couldn't have happened Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday night (since we had yesterday off) Anna waited until LAST night. Thank you, for that, Anna. Anna is also getting REAL close to crawling. I figure it's a matter of days, now, that's how close she is. She wrangled her way out of her Bumbo flat on to the kitchen counter this weekend so Mommy had to put that away. All of the "little" baby stuff is getting put away. Mommy's little baby is turning into a "big" baby (literally, she is already big and chunky, just like babies should be) Daddy said, "Maybe it's time for another baby!" Mommy said, "MOVE BACK, Daddy, don't even look at me like that." I can only handle one little sissy for right now, Daddy. For reals, this time!
Lilly and Anna

Friday, January 15, 2010

Can Daddy Come Over?

Hi, Daddy. We have not seen too much of you this month. Yesterday Mommy told me our favorite friends Tucker and Kinsey were coming over and I got real excited, then I said, "Can Daddy come over to Lilly Mommy's house, too?" That's saying something.

I thought MAYBE we could pack ourselves up in a suitcase and go stay with Daddy at work for a little while.

Or, MAYBE Mommy will ship us off to Babi Duda's house so she can get a minute of peace and quiet. Ha ha, NAH! That's why my Mommy is a PROUD working Mommy! She gets peace and quiet in the office and it is GLOR.I.OUS.

Anyway Daddy, we miss you. January is half over. Or half spent. However you want to look at it, only 2 more weeks and then you will be over at our house all the time!
Lilly and Anna

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Big Girl Bed..and Stuff

This post is mostly about Lilly, but here's a cute picture of Anna...
Okay, I got a big girl bed!! Mommy bought it off Craig's list and Daddy painted it green to match my room. So far this has worked out pretty well - better than we thought it would! It's so fun to snuggle with Mommy every night before bed (and lately, it's mostly's a phase, you know?)

And even better is reading stories in my big girl bed.

But best of all is being able to get in and out of my big girl bed by myself, run to the door in the morning (of course there's a gate, because I'm upstairs) and scream, "Mommy! LILLY IS UP!!! COME GET LILLY!!!!" Good times.
I am getting so SMART, too! I can count to 13 (but I still skip "5" - always skip 5) and I know my alphabet and I can recognize a lot of letters. I know A is for Anna and L is for LILLY! I still think O is for Daddy, though...we're working on it!
Lilly and Anna

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Will the Real Christmas Please Stand Up?

Awwww, look at Mully. So cute.
Okay loyal fans, we are SO far behind (again) on our updates. I apologize in advance, Mommy doesn't have time today to sort the pictures, so we're just going to have to work with what we've got. It's been busy, both babies are sick with RSV/Bronchiolitis which STINKS. Mommy now has the Mommy of all head colds and Daddy just hasn't even been home all month he's been working so much. But the gist of all that is that January is just whizzing right past us, we're already 1/3 over. Anna already turned 9 months old (!!!) It's good to stay busy but time flies!
We spent the "real" Christmas day at Babi and Duda's house this year. And I got my first little blue box... Actually, this is Mommy's little blue box. But just look at the joy on my face. It appears at 2 years old I already love little blue boxes.

Here is Mommy with HER baby sister...

And Babi and Duda wading through their loot... Do you see "Big Dog" in the foreground? That was Uncle Dan's present to Anna, but I sleep with him every night in my big girl bed. Big Dog spoons me. He is like, almost exactly my size.

Here I am wearing my Tinkerbell costume. And here is Daddy wearing my Tinkerbell Princess Fairy crown.

The fam on Christmas mornin'...

Oh, look! A box!

Yum! A box!

My Babi is so pretty and totally and completely looks 10 years younger than she is. Thank God for good genes!

And here's the fam on Christmas eve before Mass. That's right, we went to Mass this year and we were SOOOOO good!!!

We get to open 1 present each on Christmas eve. We opened our presents from Uncle Mark and Miss Kimberly. They got us fuzzy backpacks and a book called "The Prettiest Fish" or something...can't remember. Anyway Miss Kimberly said to Mama it was her "favorite book as a child" and Mama looked at the Copyright issue date of the book and said, "Oh, I was a Sophomore in High School when this book was published." Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! You are OLD, Mommy!

I see a resemblance.

Finally, some fun with Mulligan. Poor old, Mulligan. We're so glad you made it for another Christmas Big Guy.
And that was our Final Christmas! Mommy and Daddy and Babi, Duda, Teti and Uncle Mark all had fun. They went to the neighbor's house and started shots at 10:30 and beer drinking all day. Happy birthday, Baby Jesus! We sure know how to celebrate. We really missed Uncle Dan though, he can turn any event into a beer drinkin' party.
And, Uncle Dan, we're so sorry we haven't sent your Christmas presents yet. *Sigh* Please forgive us. We LOVE YOU, we DO!!!!! We missed you at Christmas!!!!!
Lilly and Anna

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Day! And, Christmas Part Trois

Merry Christmas! This is the third installment of our 4 part Christmas series. Christmas Part Trois was conducted at Grammy and Grampa's house where again, we were the stars of our own show and again, wearing cute, coordinating ensembles (we love you, Gymboree).
Awww, look, Grampa is holding up a picture book starring ME! On the cover. Priceless.

Again, we got so much loot! We had to rotate some old stuff to the basement to make room for new. I particularly enjoyed the toys Anna got.

Oh, look. Dora! My second dress up doll.

Oh, look. Anna. My first dress up doll.

I got my own emergency cart. It is very loud. Thank you for that, Grammy.

This picture is just for you, Uncle Dan. Since you love schmutz on my face so much.
Thank you Grammy and Grampa for a WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS!
Lilly and Anna

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Merry 2nd 1st Christmas - Again...

You all are going to get sick of Christmas pictures, and we have 2 more Christmases to go! Aren't we spoiled little lovelies?
Our first real Christmas was actually at Grandma's house! We were the stars of the show this year, unfortunately our cousins are down south - waaaaay south where it is much warmer than it is here.
As you can see, this was not really a problem with us. We tend to have one track minds when it comes to opening presents...

Aren't we adorable in coordinating ensembles? I think so thankyouverymuch. I dig my faux fur collar! Too much, Mommy! Too much! (Is too much ever enough?)

I'm sorry but there is nothing cuter than chubby legs in tights. Until you are 30 years old. Then it's really not so cute anymore.

Mommy's little teddy bear.

Pretty soon Mommy is going to have to figure out something to do with Anna's hair. It's wild! It's too thin to hold any kind of bow, and any kind of bow usually just ends up in Anna's mouth anyway. After my most recent experience at the salon, Mommy is too scared to have it trimmed. Anna doesn't mind. Anna doesn't mind much of anything!
Hope you are staying warm out there. The weather is calling for 3-5 inches of snow here! None yet, just cold!
Thank you, Grandma, Uncle Matt and Miss Nikki for a WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!
Lilly and Anna

Apple Picking at Skytop

 Apple picking at Skytop has got to be one of my most favorite Fall family traditions.  It is so beautiful, it is so fun, and apples for w...