Thursday, August 25, 2011

Oh, Anna!

 Sometimes Mama takes artistic liberties in the tales she tells for your enjoyment, but most of the time she keeps it pretty close to the truth.  This time, Mama has two pretty good stories that she wants to stress are EXACTLY the truth, no artistic liberty necessary.  I am just THAT funny.
 The other day in the Doctor's office I was sitting in the waiting room across from an older man.  Old men love me.  They wave to me, smile, say "gootchie-goo" and all that.  Most of the time I'm indifferent to the attention, but this particular man rubbed me the wrong way.  I would not smile back at him, no matter how much he smiled at me and waved his fingers.  Finally, I leaned forward in my chair and squinted my eyes at him, I said through gritted teeth: "I. AM. THE. BIG. BAD. WOLF."  Then I leaned back and flashed my pearly whites.  The grin looked something like this:
Everyone who saw it laughed, except for the old man, who's eyes got a little wide before he shook his head and snickered a little.  I'll "gootchie-goo" you, Mister.
Not long after that, just this past Monday in fact, Mama took us to the grocery store.  Trips to Kroger usually involve a fair amount of bribery.  First, stickers by the door; then, free cookies in the deli; and, suckers from the Pharmacy.  We were making our way to the Pharmacy through the refrigerated cheese/milk/egg section sitting in our car cart, eating our cookies, minding our own, when another old man was looking down at us, smiling and making "gootchie-goo" faces.  Lilly eats this stuff up, let me tell you.  She bats her eyelashes, smiles real big, looks all sheepish ("Who, me?  Gorgeous?  Tell me more!") and you know, I can take it or leave it, depending on the day.  Mommy noticed him smiling and waving to us just as she was putting the cottage cheese in the cart and she smiled back at him.  He looked at Mama and said, "What a Princess you have there.  But that one - THAT ONE - she's a trouble maker.  You are going to have your hands full."  Mommy, a little dumbstruck at his forwardness (isn't that what old people are famous for though, saying EXACTLY what they think?) could only think to say to the old man, "Which one?"
"The dark haired one, the brunette, the one that looks JUST. LIKE. YOU."
To which Mama could only laugh.  Because, what else do you do - when a total stranger is that right?
Lilly and Anna

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What awesome pictures! Just please don't tell mom if that hat was knitted by someone else! And the old guy was so right! I can't wait for those teen years when Anna will be going downtown to "Laser Light Show!" (37 times)!!! Love, Duda

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