Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mama's Shoe "Room"

Mommy has a "room" (closet) with all of her shoes and today, we thought it would be fun to take allll the shoes out of their "cubbies" and then lay on them on the floor. We do this because we know how much Mommy loves to organize and then reorganize her stuff. She also loves to fold laundry and then refold it a hundred times. Mommy's life is so boring we have to be sure she can fill her time somehow. So tonight, Mommy can fill her time by reorganizing her 60 pairs of shoes. You're welcome, Mommy!
And since Mommy knows some of her good friends (with actual fashion sense) look at this blog, she's a little embarrassed to admit that - yep! Them's Birkenstocks you see! She's had them since college and even though she doesn't wear them anymore she can't bear to part with them. And Dr. Scholls? Yeah...
Lilly and Anna

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Photography By LillyBean

Thumbs UP! Here are some of my very own shots with my very own camera. I don't leave anything to chance, I take about 25 pictures and I say, "Now, smile pretty!" and, "Daddy, put your thumbs UP!" I think the shot above is pretty good for a 3 year old novice.
And look what I do here, in this one with the lighting. It's like the sun is shining right over Babi's shoulder, or maybe the glow is from within. It's so artsy fartsy I should enter it in a photography contest and I'm sure I've got the 3 year old category clinched!
Dude, my name is Anna and I pee pee in the potty now. After bedtime that is. It's my new favorite game. Mommy and Daddy put me to bed, I get out of bed, pull down my pants and force a tinkle into the potty then I say, "I peeped! I peeped!" The first 100 times I did this was cause for celebration. Then last night Mommy sat downstairs and said, "Great, who cares, she peeped..." and Daddy said, "Should we go check on her?" and Mommy said, "Probably." and then they both sat there for 12 minutes and when I hadn't let up my screaming Daddy finally went upstairs to check on me only to find that I had crapped all over everything: my pants, the floor, the potty - no not IN the potty, all OVER the potty. Then he picked me up and brought me downstairs and said, "Look! She was screaming because she pooped all over herself!" As if somehow Mommy had brought this on, and then handed me to her. THEN Mommy had the added bonus this morning of going upstairs to find crusty poo all over the floor and my dresser and cleaning that up, too.
So, thanks for THAT, Daddy!
I am special. I am special to God. I am learning I am special to God in Sunday School! Now that I'm in the 3 year old preschool class Mommy and Daddy get a handout every week that reviews what I've learned so they can reinforce it at home! Mommy asked me, "Lilly, do you know you are special?" I said, "Yes, I do." And then she said, "Who are you special to?" I said, "I am special to God, and Mommy and Daddy and Anna!" Mommy said, "Lilly that is so wonderful!" then later that day Mommy said, "Lilly, who are you special to?" and I said, "I'm special to God. Now don't ask again."

Two days ago Mommy decided to stop at Starbucks for a little Mommy treat. Upon entering the parking lot she spotted a woman waving her arms in front of the window of the backseat of her car with her trunk open, and a stroller next to her. Now why would any woman in her right mind in 20 degree weather be standing in front of the backseat window waving her arms like a crazy bird with a stupid pasted on clown smile on her face? Yep, you guessed it, she locked her baby in the car! Oh poor first time silly Mommy, my Mommy thought. I will go help her! So Mommy grabs her phone (quite certain Crazy Lady's phone is in her car with her baby) and approaches and sees the woman is hysterical, in tears, as frantic as can be and - OUR PEDIATRICIAN! Mommy went up to her, gave her a big hug, her phone, went in and got her a coffee, waited for help to arrive and then LAUGHED. IN. HER. FACE.
Sometimes, it feels good to know that even the best of us are prone to Mommy Moments! And that mine isn't the only one cleaning crusty poo and getting a verbal smack down by a 3 year old.
Lilly and Anna

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Here's You Some Sugar!

Today was not a good day for Mommy, today was sucky and tomorrow is going to be sucky, too. Please send Mommy good juju's tomorrow and the next few weeks. She really, really needs 'em. Kay? Thanks. Thanks a lot!
These pictures are for Mommy. So when things are crappy tomorrow and the next few days, she can look at 'em and smile 'cause who wouldn't smile at these little mugs?
When we give kisses we call it, "giving sugar." Mommy can't remember how we came up with it, but it's cute and fun.
Tonight our sweet Anna pee-peed in the potty again! Our new hobby is using the potty after Mommy and Daddy put us down for bed. So first they'll hear this from upstairs, "Momma! Daddy! I PEE PEED!!" or, as was the case tonight, they heard from Anna, "I peeped! I peeped!" and there she was, nekkid as a jaybird, standing in front of the potty and couldn't have been prouder, she had a little drop of peep! And proud are we, too. So tomorrow, if it sucks, Mommy will just think about sugar and pee pee and then she'll probably smile despite herself.
Hope your day is better!
Lilly and Anna

Sunday, January 16, 2011

We Love Our New Kitties

Grrrr...Mommy still hasn't figured out how to properly cheat Blogger. For some reason when we sign in with our phantom username Blogger defaults to it's original crappy format which makes it difficult and slow to upload pictures.
Well, we'll figure it out eventually. In the meantime here are some cute pictures of us with our new kitties. We're having so much fun with them. Garp? Not so much...she'll get used to them (hopefully). We both hold the kitties non-stop. It's amazing they don't run away, but they don't! They are the sweetest things.
We hope you all have a great week!
Lilly and Anna

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Because Mommy and Daddy are Idiots, That's Why...

Meet Sparkle! Our newest kitty! Isn't she sweet and purrrr-ty? She's MY kitty!
And now, meet Prince Caspian! Our OTHER newest kitty! He's Anna's kitty!
There they are! Now tell me, how could you take just ONE? Ask Mommy and Daddy that question. Here are some words they will undoubtedly eat 1,000 times - they are actually GLAD they bought 2 new kitties! Why?

Unfortunately Mommy is still having technical difficulties, we have many, many more adorable pictures to post of our new kitty cats but Mommy is so frustrated with Blogger she's about to throw the new Mac through the f-ing wall. I don't know what f-ing means, but I know it means she's pretty bad. This blog, such a labor of love...
And we love you, and thank you for keeping up with us and our new expanded family,
Mommy, Daddy, Lilly, Anna, Garp, Sparkle and Prince Caspian

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Check This Out!

Yay for paid advertisements!  Mommy's problem - solved!

Buy Some Time...

 Well, thanks to Uncle J Mommy figured out how to buy a little more "free" time on Blogger.  Seems over the past 2 1/2 years Mommy has exhausted her free allocation of 1GB of photos on this site.  So either Mommy goes back and deletes the hundreds of duplicates stored on Picasa (which took forever to do for about 30), forks over a few bucks a year for additional storage, or deletes some previous posts (no can do, still haven't printed any out and since this is Mommy's version of our "baby book" we need to keep them all until she does).  So in the meantime, as promised last week here are some final Christmas pictures from our time at Croydon in T-Town with Grampa and Grammy.  Above, Grampa looking exasperated as 3 of the 5 little M----- Monkeys crawl all over him!  Or maybe he's not exasperated, maybe he's asleep?
 Oh, Sweet Matias!  Mommy wanted to post this one because it's just a darn good picture.
 And the same goes for this one.
 Okay, and this one too.  This is an Annakiss.  We have many things that are Anna: tAnnatrums, Annatude, Annakisses...  She will just short of make out with you if she's in the mood.  It, like everything else she does, is Annadorable.  She closes her eyes, goes "Mmmmmmmmm..." (makes lip contact) "Waaaaaaaah!!!"  Aunt Tracey got about 10 of these pictures, we'll just show you one! 
 If we could have gotten Ollie in this picture it would have been the closest we've gotten to a picture with all the cousins!
We had such a great time at Croydon, Grammy and Grampa!  Thank you for everything, for taking care of us, cooking for us, doing crafts with us, watching football with us, and buying us presents!  We love you very much!
Stay tuned tomorrow, if Mommy has the space left on Blogger for the latest in the STUPIDEST thing Mommy and Daddy have done lately!  Curious?  Take a guess!
And no, it's not another baby (yet!)
Lilly and Anna

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas at Croydon

Well, folks, we hate to disappoint, and today we're disappointed.  Mommy has to figure out what in the honky tonk is going on with Blogger and until she does, it won't let her upload anymore pictures!  Surely this is incorrect!

Even Anna is perplexed!  Sit tight while we work this out.
Lilly and Anna

WTF is going on with Blogger?

What's this crap I need to pay for storage over 1GB?!  Uncle J - HELP!  I can't load anymore pictures?!?  What is going on???

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Feeling Adventerous?

 If you're feeling adventurous I dare you to spend six days with 5 kids 3 years old and younger.  Now try it without drinking.  Yeah, that's what we thought.  Mommy and Daddy couldn't do that, either.  Ha ha!  Above, beautiful Princess Lilly with Prince Cousin Matias.
 And Princess Princess Sofia!  Grandma got us these beautiful crowns and Mommy thought they are probably very easy to make, so for our next girlie get-together we are going to try it!

 Ollie didn't get a crown, he would have just ate it (eaten it?  ate it?  whatever)...  Hey Aunt Tracey, 'memba how Mommy couldn't shut up about how little Ollie is?!  I happened to be looking through her desk at work today, "cleaning"and anyway I just happened to find my weight chart and guess what!?!  I was exactly Ollie's size at his age!  WHAT?!  That was only 29 months ago...just imagine!

Who do you think needs coffee more in these pictures?  Sorry Mommy, but I really hope I don't inherit B------ hair.  I mean, come on!  I know you shower every single day but if you go more than 24 hours you could start a Rasta party on your head.  You should see Uncle Mark's though...whoah, boy. 
 I have to say, I hope I don't hurt anyone's feelings, but Uncle Matt and Miss Nikki took the prize this go-round for favorite presents.  I mean, they NAILED it!  Princess outfits but best of all...
A kick-butt Browns uniform that virtually did not come off for the next five days.  It was awesome.  "Here we go Brownies...hoo, hoo!"
Thanks everyone for our awesome presents but most importantly for our awesome family together-ness!  We love you all so very much and we are so blessed to be so loved by you, too.
We will share more round 2 Dellwood photos tomorrow then we're off to Croydon for Christmas round 4!  THEN, we'll move into 2011!
Hoo!  Hoo!
Lilly and Anna

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Is Everyone Sick of Christmas by Now?

 Are you sick of all the Christmas stuff by now?  TOO BAD!  We got tons and tons of pictures to post!  We'll start with our Christmas in Nashville at our Babi and Duda's house.  These pictures are before everyone got sick (which conveniently was after we left, before we went to T-Town and everyone there got sick!)  Anyway this picture is from the REAL Christmas morning.  See the goodies on the table?  Those are from Santa's second visit.  Duda is reading me my new favorite Princess book!
 You'd be amazed how long Anna "sat" like that on Duda's lap.  Ha ha, silly Anna!
 We got to eat Jelly Beans for breakfast!!  My least favorite flavor was popcorn.  Anna's least favorite flavor was black licorice.  Babi will probably be finding those half-chewed flavors scattered around the house on her floors.  Sorry, Babi...

 Oh!  It's jewelry from Papa!  EVERY.  SINGLE.  FEMALE in my family got jewelry for Christmas.  Except guessed it!  THANKS for the pumpkin scented candle and Chinese Nutcracker, Daddy!  Mommy can't wait to wear them!

 Oh, and Anna got a beautiful necklace, too!  Don't despair for Mommy!  Teti and Babi came through for her and bought her jewelry.  We're not sure how many years Daddy is going to have to be married to Mommy before he understands this simple rule of gifting for Mommy: JEWELRY.  Every holiday!  Every!  Every!  Every!
 Anna is here holding the little cow her beautiful necklace from Papa came in, and Miss Kimber is whispering in her ear: "Never settle for less than jewelry, Anna Bear.  Jewelry!  Jewelry!  Jewelry!"
Anna says, "I'm going to ask for a car!"
 I look like I'm not too sure about Uncle Mark, in my JEWELRY, flinging my gorgeous hair.  I've already got this diva thing, down.
 OH!  This FACE!  You might have to click on it to see it better but this FACE!  Mommy loves it.  I'm so flipping spoiled.
 Dear Uncle Dan, thanks for all the candy, yo!  And cookies! 
 Ha ha ha!  Ha ha ha!  This face is just funny.  No, not yours, Miss Kimber, mine.  Yours is just pretty!
 It just wouldn't be Christmas if I didn't get naked at some point.
 This picture is so sweet.  This is what we call "getting sugar."  You get sugar if you give jewelry, Daddy.

 Love the silly bands?  I kept them on for almost 3 weeks!  They finally came off Sunday night.  Sad, sad, sad.  Mommy and Daddy were excited to see how long they would last.  Mommy was hoping for a month.  Now they are all (all 100 of them) in a little bag.  I'm only 1 1/2 but even I'm in to jewelry!
Okay, okay, that's enough grief for poor Daddy.  Mommy should be happy, she's blogging on our new MAC which was "technically" "our" Christmas present.  Kinda like when Homer gave Marge the bowling ball, no?
Thank you, my "friends" for a wonderful Christmas!  Thank you especially to Santa for your fabulous attention to detail!  Bubbles and the Dora Mic are really 2 of our favorite-ist gifts of all of them.  Bubbles hasn't left my side since I got him!  The Dora Microphone does mysteriously disappear from time to time.  We're not sure about that...
Merry Christmas 1 from Nashville, Tennessee y'all!
Lilly and Anna

Apple Picking at Skytop

 Apple picking at Skytop has got to be one of my most favorite Fall family traditions.  It is so beautiful, it is so fun, and apples for w...