Sometimes you just want to crawl under the covers and stay in bed. Today was a hard day. Grampa had surgery today, he's probably not going to be feeling very good for a little while. But everything went well so far so keep my Grampa in your prayers. I want him to stick around for a really long while so he can bail me out when I get arrested in college for underage drinking just like my Daddy did.
Wait a second! I won't do that! I will take after Mommy who was too smart to ever get caught. Ha ha ha, Daddy.
Grampa, I love you. Feel better.
Today we lost the house in Kentucky. Well, we didn't lose it, but it wasn't meant to be. Mommy drove down for the inspection and took a swim in the basement. Been there, done that! So now we've got to start over at square one! But that house just must not have been the right house, and that's okay. We'll find the right one.
Finally, we are very worried about Tori. She has started spraying again. Mommy called the vet and the vet said we have to make a very tough decision. Mommy has cried about this all night. This and everything else. I know what she feels like. Sometimes I just need a good cry too, and when I do, I usually get some hugs and kisses and eventually fall asleep. And tomorrow, tomorrow will be better because we've gone through the worst of it for now. Until we decide what we're going to do with poor Tori.
So anyway, sorry to be a drag. Just send us good vibes, and send Grampa your prayers and good wishes. Things will work out, they always do.
Dearest, Sweet Lilly,
Babi and Duda are so sorry to read that your day went from bad to badder to baddest! Things always have a way of working out, we know...we've been there too. Just be very thankful that your loving Grandpa is going to be fine and will have many years of loving to give you! As far as the house goes...what a blessing Mommy saw the water BEFORE she and Daddy bought the house!!! Just remember...water is our enemy when it comes to houses! And Tori...well, you know what Babi would say...let's just leave it at that! Do you want Chapstick??? Lilly, we love you very much and want you to know, that tomorrow WILL be better!!!
love and kisses to you,
Babi and Duda
Lilly girl
I know you don't know me yet but I am your uncle Mark's care taker. I take care of him down in good ole South Carolina. He talks about you daily and he shows me your pictures. I have met your mommy and daddy when they came down to visit us and go to a Clemson game. Don't worry your uncle Mark will take you to one of those one day! I am keeping your grandpa in my prayers and Tori too! Don't let your day get you down Lilly Bean! I hope to meet you one day. I will continue to take care of your Uncle Mark. Its a full time job but hey, someone's got to do it:)
that was ashley by the way
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