Thumbs UP! Here are some of my very own shots with my very own camera. I don't leave anything to chance, I take about 25 pictures and I say, "Now, smile pretty!" and, "Daddy, put your thumbs UP!" I think the shot above is pretty good for a 3 year old novice.
And look what I do here, in this one with the lighting. It's like the sun is shining right over Babi's shoulder, or maybe the glow is from within. It's so artsy fartsy I should enter it in a photography contest and I'm sure I've got the 3 year old category clinched!
Dude, my name is Anna and I pee pee in the potty now. After bedtime that is. It's my new favorite game. Mommy and Daddy put me to bed, I get out of bed, pull down my pants and force a tinkle into the potty then I say, "I peeped! I peeped!" The first 100 times I did this was cause for celebration. Then last night Mommy sat downstairs and said, "Great, who cares, she peeped..." and Daddy said, "Should we go check on her?" and Mommy said, "Probably." and then they both sat there for 12 minutes and when I hadn't let up my screaming Daddy finally went upstairs to check on me only to find that I had crapped all over everything: my pants, the floor, the potty - no not IN the potty, all OVER the potty. Then he picked me up and brought me downstairs and said, "Look! She was screaming because she pooped all over herself!" As if somehow Mommy had brought this on, and then handed me to her. THEN Mommy had the added bonus this morning of going upstairs to find crusty poo all over the floor and my dresser and cleaning that up, too.
So, thanks for THAT, Daddy!
I am special. I am special to God. I am learning I am special to God in Sunday School! Now that I'm in the 3 year old preschool class Mommy and Daddy get a handout every week that reviews what I've learned so they can reinforce it at home! Mommy asked me, "Lilly, do you know you are special?" I said, "Yes, I do." And then she said, "Who are you special to?" I said, "I am special to God, and Mommy and Daddy and Anna!" Mommy said, "Lilly that is so wonderful!" then later that day Mommy said, "Lilly, who are you special to?" and I said, "I'm special to God. Now don't ask again."
Two days ago Mommy decided to stop at Starbucks for a little Mommy treat. Upon entering the parking lot she spotted a woman waving her arms in front of the window of the backseat of her car with her trunk open, and a stroller next to her. Now why would any woman in her right mind in 20 degree weather be standing in front of the backseat window waving her arms like a crazy bird with a stupid pasted on clown smile on her face? Yep, you guessed it, she locked her baby in the car!
Oh poor first time silly Mommy, my Mommy thought.
I will go help her! So Mommy grabs her phone (quite certain Crazy Lady's phone is in her car with her baby) and approaches and sees the woman is hysterical, in tears, as frantic as can be and - OUR PEDIATRICIAN! Mommy went up to her, gave her a big hug, her phone, went in and got her a coffee, waited for help to arrive and then LAUGHED. IN. HER. FACE.
Sometimes, it feels good to know that even the best of us are prone to Mommy Moments! And that mine isn't the only one cleaning crusty poo and getting a verbal smack down by a 3 year old.
Lilly and Anna
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