Monday, July 1, 2013

What Rhymes With...?

Mommy and Daddy are helping me learn how to read! In fact all my friends are helping me learn! I do so good but I'm a little lazy. I don't like to be put on the spot. I think this is a M----- thing specifically, and I take after my Daddy. Did you know my Mommy could read and write when she was three? Three! She's been a genius her whole life. She doesn't even use spell check. And her grammar is always proper. Like, always. And forget about improper punctuation and, stuff. Oh and she never uses incomplete sentences. Like never. Are you singing Taylor Swift yet? Wheeee! I digress. 
So I'm learning how to read! Tonight Daddy was working "Hop on Pop" with me. I got a little stuck on "all." I know "fall" and I know "tall" but you lose me when you drop the first letter. (Incidentally you don't lose Anna Jane because she kept saying, "it's ALL, Lilly!") but I get lazy, and easily distracted (like Mommy does all the time shamma lamma ding dong) so I just can't get ALL!
Daddy, "lets name some words that rhyme with fall"
Anna Jane, "ball, call, hall..."
Yes! And how about wall, mall, tall?
Very good! Lilly? Let's take away the first letter and what word do we get?
What? Did I JUST say that?!
Sure did! Thanks for the Dick and Jane book, Babi! Made for a blog-worthy laugh!
Lilly, Anna Jane and Jack

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