Thursday, December 8, 2011

Gingerbread Houses With Grammy!

 Mommy just downloaded 270 pictures and still hasn't even blogged half of the ones we're behind on!  Eeeeeeeeek!!!!  Time to catch up!  A few WEEKS AGO (!) Grammy and Grampa came so Mommy and Daddy could get all decked out for the annual Snow Ball that they love so much!  Grammy always comes equipped with lots of fun projects for us all to do together and this time it was gingerbread houses!  As you can see above, I was particularly excited while Anna got particularly frustrated (see below)...
 "What do you mean I can't EAT THE CANDY!?!"
 Grammy and I worked diligently on our house and it is still proudly on display (though partially picked over thanks to Anna who finds pieces "conveniently" fall off on a daily basis - that she then must eat) - in all, a beautiful first effort and wonderfully fun project!
 Here is my finished house!  I dressed up just for the picture! 
And both of our beautiful houses!  THANK YOU Grammy and Grampa for coming to stay with us and do fun things with us so Mommy and Daddy could go to this:
We love you!
Okay, stay tuned - we've had LOTS of visitors the past few weeks and we have LOTS of pictures to put up and things to say!  Not to mention we are getting all ready for Christmas and we've started fun new traditions we can't wait to share with you!
Lilly, Anna and Jack

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Apple Picking at Skytop

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