I'll have to post separate pictures from Meet the Teacher but guess who we got? Only the BEST teacher (and Jack only wants the BEST he says) - Mrs. Bolt Round 3! Look at this little guy's selfie. I almost feel like he looks 12 in this picture. My heart.
The girls asked to pack his lunch for him. I let them. I don't even know what's in it. It's full and heavy so there's probably plenty in there, none of it healthy, I'm sure.
This is the best part of lunch.
Jack asked for a picture with Toby before we left. It's not the best. Even Toby is going to miss him.
Here is the traditional first day of Kindergarten picture in front of the porch swing! Do you love his black knee socks? That's all him. He can't stand ankle socks with sneakers and he can't stand white. I at least tried to get him to color coordinate on the first day. Gone are the monogrammed applique outfits and the smocked jumpers. Not for this little boy.
This is D. He is our neighbor and he and Jack have known each other since they were 8 months old. Now they are off to Kindergarten together. Precious.
This is D's Mama, Tracy. She is sending off her baby, too. Support system.
I feel like it was just yesterday we sent Lilly and Anna Jane off to Kindergarten. Look at them now. It's hard to remember they were as little as Jack.
Yay for S!! She and Jack are BUDS! They've been in preschool together for 3 years and now they're in Kindergarten together. I am so happy he'll have so many friends in his class!
Oh, buddy. I held it together with a string. I'm glad you were so happy and excited. And you told me a week before school started, "Mommy, if you cry, I will run away from you." So, I better not cry! I'm going to miss you, bud. But I love you so much, and watching you grow into a big boy is one of the greatest joys and blessings of our lives. You are going to LOVE Kindergarten - even more than how much I'm going to miss you. And that makes my heart happy.
I love you so much. Go do big things.