Mommy and Daddy take turns reading with each of us every night. Right now Mommy and I are reading through the Jesus Storybook Bible. We read a story, then we discuss. Last night's story was from the New Testament, and the gist of it is if you believe in Jesus you go to Heaven. When you're 7 like I am, it's easy to think everyone believes what you believe - but as you grown ups all know - that is never the case. So Mama likes to use teaching moments like this to ask me what I think. She says, "Where do you think people who DON'T know Jesus go?" and I had to think, because - we don't all know and believe in Jesus? Well, no - and that's okay! (When Mommy was in Sunday school she was taught you believe in Jesus or you go to Hell. True story, and that's a scary thing to think when you know that not everyone you love believes in Jesus. So let's rewrite that history...)
"So, if you don't believe in Jesus where do you go when you die?"
Me, "Ummm...hmmmm..."
Mommy, "That is not up to us. That is up to God. We hope and pray that when we die and go to Heaven we will be reunited with the people we love. Just because someone we love doesn't believe in Jesus the way we do doesn't make them a bad person - there are lots of good people that we love who don't believe in Jesus the way we do."
Me, "Like who?"
Mommy (er - sorry Uncle Dan), "Like Uncle Dan! He doesn't share our beliefs but you love him with all your heart and guess what? God does too! Because God loves everyone, even if they don't believe in Him the way we do."
Me, "Who else?"
Mommy (yeah, sorry Uncle J), "Well, Uncle J is a Jew (not raised a Jew - but is a Jew - Mama gets confused - we will sort that out in future theological discussions) and we've learned from our Bible about Jews and Gentiles, right?"
Me, "Yeah, right! So are Ollie and Vivi Jewish too?"
Mommy, "I don't know! Maybe some day we can ask them? I'm sure they would love to talk with you about what you believe and about what they believe."
Me, "Mommy, so does Uncle J like believe that we came from monkeys? Some of the kids at school think we came from monkeys. Like Gilad is Jewish, but he said we came from monkeys."
Mommy, "That is called 'evolution' and yes, some people believe in evolution."
Me, "Well, you can tell Uncle J that he's probably right about monkeys. I mean, Anna probably DID come from monkeys. But not me. God MADE me."
Because I am LillyBean - I am the chosen one!
I love these little moments.
Lilly Bean Made by God, Anna Jane descended from Monkeys, and Jack Who Is Yet to be Determined