Mommy has a confession - we haven't taken or downloaded any pictures since CHRISTMAS! That is borderline negligence. Especially since we know Jacky is the last of the babies. We've missed out on documenting a whole month and a half of his baby life! Bad Mommy! Bad!
Good news for our loyal followers is that Daddy bought Mama a "purse camera" (and a dozen red roses) for Valentine's Day! That is good, because while the iPhone is great for taking photos on the fly, they don't translate well to blogging nor do they print well. So we're back to old school shootin, downloadin, bloggin.
We did recently learn that we can download an App to the iPhone that WILL let us blog on the fly which will be great for posting things like what I said yesterday in the car.
Did you know Mama LOVES luxury sports cars? Let me tell you something about Mama and luxury sports cars. Once, in the parking lot of Costco in Kentucky she saw a beautiful red
Ferrari GTO (IN THE COSTCO PARKING LOT, PEOPLE! FOR REALS!!!) anyway she got out of the van so she could go over to the Ferrari and just touch it. Then she couldn't. She just stared at it in awe. The owner came out of Costco (old man, of course) and all Mama could say was, "Nice car." What she wanted to say was, "Please, please PLEASE can you take me for a ride in your car?! Just around the parking lot? PLEASE!?!?!" This moment, in the Costco parking lot, was the APEX of luxury sports car sightings outside of Miami, FL- so you know. Average starting sales price? A cool $300,000. The value of GTO's can go all the way up to (brace yourself)
Mama loves luxury sports cars so much that once when we were driving around she saw a
Maserati GranTurismo Convertible and she straight started flipping out and couldn't stop screaming, "LILLY! ANNA! LOOK! A MASERATI GRANTURISMO CONVERTIBLE!!!!" that to this day I call every convertible I see a Maserati. Every single one. I get just as excited now too, which is awesome because who knows what the future might hold for me? Maybe one day I will actually get to drive one (or even just touch one, which would still be cool). Plan on forking over a mere $135,000 plus for one of these babies.
So yesterday as we were leaving Preschool (yes, leaving preschool) and on a side road in Alta Vista what should be in front of us but a
TESLA ROADSTER CONVERTIBLE?!?!? PURPLE!!!!!! For your information, only about 1,000 of them have been sold in the United States. Now this is no Ferrari GTO nor is it Mommy's dream car (which so you know, IS a Maserati GranTurismo) but it is very, very exciting to see a Tesla Roadster (on the ROAD, yo!) when only 1,000 of them went into production and are sold out in North America. The base price of such car a much more reasonable $109,000. And, it's ELECTRIC! (Cue "Electric Slide")
So we pick up Daddy and Mommy says, "Did ya get my text?!? We saw a TESLA ROADSTER! On the ROAD!" and Daddy says, "I don't even know what that is." And I say:
"You will when Mommy gets one!"
Dream big, baby!
Lilly, Anna and Jack