Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's a Potty All Night Long!

Mommy is so inspired by me to blog again - twice in one day! But a potty is a potty and we like to potty all night long! Literally!
Sooo...we all know I'm a two-year old and us two-year olds are a leeeeeetle neurotic (I'm sure more judicial people have nicer words than this) anyway lately I've insisted Mommy and Daddy put my potty in my bedroom - why? Well, tonight we found out!
My bedtime is 8:00. I've been "pottying" all this time! Mommy relented (FINALLY! Only took an hour MOMMY) and came upstairs to see what I was doing and what did she see? ME - with my jammies off, standing next to my gate like a little jailbird and I said, "Mommy, Lilly took jammies off to pee pee." And there you go, folks! I took off my jammies, my diaper, PEE PEED in my potty, PUT MY DIAPER BACK ON (!!!) and waited for Mommy or Daddy to come get me. As a bonus, I had removed everything but the sheet from my big girl bed and set up camp in the middle of my bedroom. I mean, does it get any cuter than this? Really?
It gets at least AS CUTE as this and we have living proof in our Baby Anna (what I call her now, Baby Anna) who is discovering her mobility, her voice, her personality - it's all so perfect, it's all so wonderful and I don't care how cheesy it sounds. We're glad you're here to share these silly little moments with us.
Lilly and Anna

Duck For Cover! Balls in the Trenches!

When Mommy isn't looking, Daddy likes to make a fort in the playroom and mess up all the couches and cushions and pillows in the house and bring out the dreaded balls that Mommy hates. We bought allllll these balls for a DOLLAR at a garage sale and now Mommy knows why because everywhere she looks in the house there's another stupid ball to trip over! But of course, we LOOOOOVE the balls and we LOOOOOOVE making forts!
Now that Anna is crawling she'll probably appreciate the forts more. Before now, she could only just lay there while I ran and jumped all over her and all over the place, like I do!

A favorite past-time of mine, involving the balls, is making boobies out of them. You probably assume Mommy or Daddy taught me how to do this, right? Wrong. Either I taught myself or I learned it at Mary Lou's house, but since Mary Lou does not have any balls at her house, I probably taught myself. Once I do this, get the balls in my shirt just so, I laugh and say, "Look, Mommy! Lilly's boobies are bigger than Mommy's!" And Mommy only wishes this was a joke she invented. It's not. It's actually what I say, and the saddest (or funniest) part is, it's true!

And here I am, with my boobies! Mommy and Daddy laugh now...
Lilly and Anna

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Oh, Sure!

C'mere, Baby Anna, Baby Anna, Baby Anna...I want to give you kisses! SMOOCH! Anna is a big-time crawler now! And even though she just started crawling about a week ago she's already trying to pull herself up to standing, she's just not happy with crawling. She's getting a lot done in a short amount of time. It's just crazy to think how fast it all goes! She's ALMOST 11 months old! Mommy's gotta start planning the big "1"! Her party, that is...mark your calendars for April 10, 2010! I think Mommy might do a monkey theme, since Anna is a chunky monkey. And, I like monkeys.

Daddy taught me how to do this, says he learned it in college. You fill one cup with apple juice and the other cup with something else and then drink it through two straws at the same time. It's like a party of flavors in your mouth.

See? Good fun.
Mommy and Daddy left us at Grammy and Grampa's house all weekend so they could party it up in NYC with Aunt Tracey and Uncle J. They're getting ready for lil j, my newest cousin's arrival! Since I've been back I've been saying this a lot: "Oh, sure!"
Mommy: "Lilly, do you want chicken nuggets for dinner?"
"Oh, sure!"
"Lilly, will you please help Anna with her toy?"
"Oh, sure!"
"Lilly, are you tired?"
"Oh, sure!"
So, must have picked that up this weekend! Fun to hear the things I pick up on. Like this:
Mommy: "CRAP!"
Lilly: "Mommy, don't say that word."
Ohhhh, yeah...that's not a nice word.
"No, Mommy, that's a bad word. Don't say that word."
Oh, sure!
Lilly and Anna

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Do These Sunglasses Make My Goozitsa Look Big?

Ha ha! That's a joke! NOTHING makes my goozitsa look big because it is tiny, it is smaller than Anna's! Mommy does not have a tiny goozitsa, hers is huge. When Mommy is getting dressed in the morning I like to run in her room, slap her goozitsa and run away and scream, "Lilly slap Mommy's goozie!" I don't know where or how I invented this game, but it's hilarious and fun. It's even more fun when Mommy chases me around the house but Mommy has done this a few too many times for the neighbors' enjoyment.
I found some dental floss, thought I would take that out for a spin. Mommy let me practice on her teeth. I need to take better care of my teeth. Mommy needs to take me to the dentist but she is DREADING it so bad she has put it off for five months now. We all know I don't take too kindly to being restrained and poked and prodded, I mean, what 2-year old does?! Mommy thinks Daddy should have to take me to the dentist, she has to do all the Doctor's visits and shots and whatnot. Fair is fair, right?!

Believe it or not, this is my Mommy and I am her child even though we look NOTHING ALIKE! Look at my little baby ribs! I am TOO SKINNY! Mommy keeps saying she's going to try the Lilly diet to lose weight and her goozitsa. Here it is:
- Ask for eggs every morning for breakfast and then shun them. After eggs are cooked ask for cheese. Take one bite then ask for yogurt. Take one drink and then ask for something we don't have. Randomly ask for spaghetti and meatballs. Then don't eat them.
- Don't drink anything hardly at all, all day, but demand a sippy cup full of water/juice/milky. Milky must be warm to exact liking.
- Eat only hot dogs, chicken nuggets, fish sticks, meatballs and fruit.
- Eat only jars of baby food carrots - no other vegetable. None. And don't think Mommy you can steam and puree carrots. It is not the same. You know it. I know it.
- Eat the occasional muffin, cookie, pretzels, crackers.
- Eat hummus with a spoon.
- Eat fruit candy 3 or 4 times a day.
And here's Anna's diet:
- Eat whatever Lilly doesn't eat.
Mommy is hungry just thinking about it...
Lilly and Anna

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Birthday, Grammy!!

Happy birthday, Grammy! Isn't this picture of the four of us nice? Today we are getting soooooo much snow in Louisville we are wishing for warmer cottage weather! I bet the cousins are loving it up in Mexico right now! They're probably wearing shorts! The snow here is up past my knees!!
We hope you have a very happy birthday and that you don't have too much snow! We are really looking forward to staying with you in a few days!
Lilly and Anna

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Uncle Mark!

Dear Uncle Mark,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You are so charming, funny and good looking - just like Mommy, only not as much. Ha ha! Happy birthday! I wish we could be with you to celebrate but Mommy says we are way, way, way too young to celebrate your birthdays with you for the next 15 years or more. Lucky you, your birthday falls on a Saturday this year and we are sure you are living it up. Happy birthday we love you very much!
Lilly and Anna

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Miss Personality!

PEEK A BOO! I'm 10 months old today! I have really been figuring myself out these past few weeks, I am FULL of personality! Hard to know since my big sister is also FULL of personality (piss and vinegar Mommy says) and it's easy to be overshadowed by the oldest child (you know what I'm sayin' Aunt Tracey and Uncle Dan?) But today is MY day so happy birthday to ME.
I went to the Doctor a couple weeks ago, I weigh 19 lbs 5 oz which is more than Sissy weighed at her 15 month check up. Ha ha! I got junk in my trunk, yo! I love to shake it, too! I dance to the music, no, I really shake it down. I will also play games with you, I play peek a boo, I really, really PLAY it with you. When Mommy sings to me, I sing along and I talk, talk, talk. All I can really say (in English) is Mama (the most beautiful word in any language) and a bunch of gibberish but Lilly understands me, Garp the cat understands me, and Mommy and Daddy could listen to me talk all day long. I can't believe I'm almost a year old. It's going by so fast! If you haven't seen me in a while, just wait until you see how much I've changed. I am one Peronali-rific baby, really, I'm awesome.
Happy Birthday, to me!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's Daddy/Anna Day!

Yay!!! Daddy is home!!! Daddy is off the PICU rotation now, wooo-hooo! That means we will see him more than twice this month! Daddy has today and tomorrow off. Today is Daddy/Anna Day and tomorrow is Daddy/Lilly day! Daddy and Anna picked Mommy up for lunch. You should see how happy Anna is to be the center of attention. Turns out, when I'm not around, Anna has a LOT to say!
Daddy and Mommy took Anna to a Mexican restaurant for lunch. Anna had 2 flour tortillas. She also had the waiter wrapped around her little finger. Every time he walked by Anna just looked at him and grinned, and gave that sweet little baby bashful face. Finally Daddy had to say, "Anna, that's not your Daddy." Anna was like, "Really? I look like him?! I have dark skin, brown eyes and dark hair! Senor!" Mommy had to remind Daddy, for the 176th time that she also has dark skin, brown eyes and dark hair, as do 2 of her siblings. And that being of 2nd generation American/Eastern European descent, we can't all be little whiteys like me! Usually there's one in the bunch, like look at Daddy for instance! All his sibs have BLACK hair! And Uncle Dan! He's the only whitey on Mommy's side! There's always ONE! JUST ONE! :)
Ha ha! Well, not like I can let Anna have the whole scene. Daddy was giving her a baba and I insisted I wanted one, too. So I found this little purple plastic thing and went over to Mommy and said, "Feed Lilly baby baba!" Yeah, yeah, this was Christmastime but we didn't do a whole lot in January...

And here is sweet Anna with Daddy. Say what you want, you can tell we're sisters. We both have Daddy's chin! We both get our charm from Mommy though, right, Daddy? And just where do you think we get that sass?
Lilly and Anna

Monday, February 1, 2010

Peek A Poop!

I 100% pee-peed in the potty over the weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)! Isn't that amazing? In 2 weeks I practically potty trained myself...practically.
I still haven't tried pooping in the potty. Is this too much information? Too bad, I don't care if it is, it's my blog and I'm not here for your entertainment. Anyway, I poo-poo in my pants, and in the bathtub. Then, I get HYSTERICAL! I SCREAM "MOMMY! I POOPED!! I POOPED!!! CHANGE IT RIGHT NOW!!! I WANT FRESH PANTIES!!! RIGHT!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" This is fine when we're home and all, but when we were out at our friends house....YEOWZA! It's like, Who is this child?
The best story though, is when I poopied in the bath. Obviously, me and Anna take our bath together. Mommy and Daddy are the picture of efficiency, no? Well the other night Daddy was giving us our baths while Mommy was out around the house undoubtedly doing something important when all of a sudden:
That was Daddy.
Mommy comes running in and the first thing she sees is Happy Anna splashing away with a big old gummy grin on her face trying to that...?
And there I am standing on the bath mat screaming my head off:
And if words could only describe the look on Daddy's face! Mommy said to Daddy, "Well get Anna out of the tub!" Oh...yeah! Anna!
And Mommy grabbed me and took me to the changing table and I screamed and cried the whole time "Lilly pooped in the bathy! I pooped on Anna!"
Now how do you NOT laugh when this happens? You can't laugh, though, Mommy! This was a very traumatic experience for me and Anna! (Only nothing traumatizes or scares Anna it only makes her laugh). So very seriously Mommy said to me, "You know, Lilly, next time we can try it in the potty! You can tell Mommy the poopy is coming and we'll sit on the potty, okay? It's okay, that's how you learn."
I say, "I don't WANT to poopy in the potty! I poopy in my pants and Mommy clean it!"
Nice. The joys of motherhood. I poopy, Mommy cleans it. Kind of like a metaphor, right?
Lilly and Anna

Apple Picking at Skytop

 Apple picking at Skytop has got to be one of my most favorite Fall family traditions.  It is so beautiful, it is so fun, and apples for w...