Mommy is so inspired by me to blog again - twice in one day! But a potty is a potty and we like to potty all night long! Literally!
Sooo...we all know I'm a two-year old and us two-year olds are a leeeeeetle neurotic (I'm sure more judicial people have nicer words than this) anyway lately I've insisted Mommy and Daddy put my potty in my bedroom - why? Well, tonight we found out!
My bedtime is 8:00. I've been "pottying" all this time! Mommy relented (FINALLY! Only took an hour MOMMY) and came upstairs to see what I was doing and what did she see? ME - with my jammies off, standing next to my gate like a little jailbird and I said, "Mommy, Lilly took jammies off to pee pee." And there you go, folks! I took off my jammies, my diaper, PEE PEED in my potty, PUT MY DIAPER BACK ON (!!!) and waited for Mommy or Daddy to come get me. As a bonus, I had removed everything but the sheet from my big girl bed and set up camp in the middle of my bedroom. I mean, does it get any cuter than this? Really?
It gets at least AS CUTE as this and we have living proof in our Baby Anna (what I call her now, Baby Anna) who is discovering her mobility, her voice, her personality - it's all so perfect, it's all so wonderful and I don't care how cheesy it sounds. We're glad you're here to share these silly little moments with us.
Lilly and Anna