Firstly, we are experiencing technical difficulties. For some reason Mommy can't figure out how to change the order of the pictures. So, start with the 3rd picture and work your way up for a pictorial timeline of me picking out my new pet fish - Dorothy!
I have had Dorothy for just over 2 weeks now and she is still alive (props to Mommy). I "won" her at the 5K Mommy and Daddy ran a couple weeks ago (great gimmick by the local fish store - but Mommy outsmarted you! We bought Dorothy's home at Wal-Mart - yes, Wal-Mart the evil empire - and it was $5 cheaper than you! That is 50% cheaper because yours was $15 and Wal-Mart's was $10! Or something like that I don't know Mommy is not a mathematician (or a speller it would appear)! Bwaa-haa-haa!)
So now I have my own pet fish. Dorothy lives on top of my changing table. We converted it back to a chest since pretty soon, one day very soon Mommy and Daddy pray I start using the potty! This has not worked out to well so far. But, I am still little! For two more days, I'm still 1 year old. Two more days!
So, why Dorothy you ask? One, it is Elmo's pet fish's name. So every goldfish is Dorothy to me. And two, Daddy says my Nana's name was Dorothy. I did not get a chance to meet my Nana but I have heard she was a spit-fire, and that she had a personality that commanded attention and I have heard that I might get that little twinkle in my eye from her. I come from a long line of strong women - a long, long line and I am proud to represent and keep the tradition moving.