Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Check Out My Belly!

I can point to a number of my body parts: my tongue, my ears, my belly! Daddy was taking pictures of Mama's enormous belly and I jumped in to show you mine! Here's MY belly! Mommy's belly is 30 weeks pregnant now. My little sister is only 10 weeks away from her world premier.

Really, my belly is not that impressive. I weighed in at the Dr. last week for my 15 month check up and my weight has dropped - AGAIN! My height has jumped up though, now I'm 90% for height and - get this - 3% for weight! The Dr. said I'm going to grow up into that girl that all the girls hate. The kind that can eat whatever I want and will be tall and skinny. I have some tall genes on my side, let me tell you. My Bunnell side is TALL! Mommy is the shortest of the bunch and she clocks in at 5' 7 1/2". That's no short tort lady. My Teti is about 5' 9" and Babi, a cool 5' 8". Never mind my Duda, who is what 6' 2" I think and Uncle Dan who is 6' 4" or something and Daddy and Uncle Mark are both about 6' 1". Then my Grandpa is tall, I'd guess 6' 2" or more and his whole family is tall. The only one I really have working against me is Grandma, she's petite. So are my Aunts and Uncles on the Maurer side, they're a little short (well, Uncle Matt isn't that short). So I've got at least a 3 out of 4 chance of being tall. As for skinny, well, I'm a picky eater! Always have been, since birth! Just ask Mommy and her boobies. They'll tell you!


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kitty Soup - LIVE demonstration!

Recipe Exchange - Kitty Soup

A few weeks ago Aunt Tracey and Grammy invited Mommy to participate in a recipe exchange. Since Mommy's culinary repertoire consists mostly of boxed macaroni and cheese and hot dogs, she couldn't think of anything to submit. So, I thought I would submit my specialty! Kitty Soup! It's real easy, and don't worry, this is the USA not Vietnam so we don't use real Kittys in our Kitty Soup!
You will need:
2 bowls
1 fork
1 cup Kitty Food - DRY! It MUST be DRY kitty food! Preferably large chunk. I like Science Diet Indoor Cat formula
1 cup water
1 clean workspace, the floor is usually sufficient

Step 1: Combine kitty food into kitty water and stir thoroughly with fork. Feel free to spill all over your clean workspace.

Step 2: Stir to get the right consistency. When kitty food starts to become mushy, you are getting close. This is really a matter of personal preference.

Step 3: Taste test your concoction.

Step 4: That's some good Kitty Soup!




Friday, January 23, 2009

Bath Time is Potty Time

I don't know why, but for some reason I think it's lots of fun to poop in the bathtub. Don't worry, Mommy wouldn't take pictures of THAT. Last night I was playing in the bathtub with Mommy and Daddy. Daddy told Mommy he didn't feel good. He thinks it might be: Men-in-gitis. Mommy said, "What? You have a Man-gina?" Mommy thought this was hilarious, but Daddy did not think it was so funny. So in a show of solidarity with Daddy, I pooped in the tub. Since Daddy didn't feel good, he didn't have to clean it up. Mommy did. That's what Mommy gets for calling Daddy names.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mommy is a Klutz

Mommy fell down the stairs on Sunday and sprained both of her ankles. But who cares about Mommy, she was holding ME! I fell on top of Mommy but then on the floor, on my belly and I was bleeding. So Mommy was the first one to make me draw blood. Way to go, Mommy. Daddy had the scare of his life because all he heard was a loud THUD-THUD-THUD and then me and Mommy screaming. When he ran to the stairs there I was on the floor - BLEEDING - and there pregnant Mommy was on the floor - SCREAMING. I am okay. I had a big, puffy lip but it's back to normal now. Mommy went to the clinic and they wrapped both of her ankles and offered her crutches but what good are crutches when you sprain BOTH of your ankles? And since Mommy is pregnant no drugs for Mommy! Not even a lousy ibuprofen. So Mommy just grimaces and walks on them - carefully - and I say, "Mommy, this is nothing compared to labor, and you did labor for 28 hours without any drugs, you can handle a couple sprained ankles." And Mommy says, "Lilly, please don't remind me."
So since Mommy can't walk up and down the stairs I've been sleeping in her room the past couple nights. Daddy is on surgery for 2 weeks which means we won't be seeing much of him so we're on our own. Yesterday Mommy tried to show me how to cook for her but my play oven doesn't make very good cookies. So we had canned peaches instead. Mommy will get some pictures up later in the day, but there's our update!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Well Get a Load of Me!

Last night Daddy asked Mommy to post more pictures. Unfortunately we haven't taken all that many recently so these are from over Christmas, but don't worry, I haven't changed much in 3 weeks.
It is so cold here today. It was ZERO degrees outside this morning! That is too cold for me! I thought living in the South meant warmer weather! At least we didn't get all the snow they got in Ohio! Ha ha ha, ha ha ha OHIO! I am so glad we don't live there anymore. I am working on Mommy and Daddy to move even further South in a few years or maybe even out West, where the snow is fun!
Enjoy my pics!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Goozie...

The other day my goozitsa must have itched, because I tried to scratch it on the window. It was really cute, so Daddy caught it on camera.
Mommy entered her third trimester today which means my little sister is 12 short weeks away from making her arrival! I am getting excited at least. Daddy is still sorta in denial...and Mommy is buying stuff to start decorating her little nursery. We will have it painted by February and ready to go soon after that! Mommy and Daddy have started throwing some names around and they are down to a few finalists but we're not telling! It's a secret and a surprise! Some things have to be a surprise, right? Otherwise, what fun is it?!
So pretty soon I will have to share my blog, and everything else in my life with my little sister. I will probably complain - a lot. Especially when we're teenagers. But I'm going to be a GREAT big sister! The BEST! I'm already practicing!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year!

2009 already! Can you believe it? I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I did! I had FOUR separate Christmases! Talk about SUPER AWESOME!

First, I had Christmas at my Babi and Duda's house in Nashville. I was so spoiled rotten at that Christmas because I was the star of the show. I got so many toys and goodies! It was so fun, but I missed my uncles.
Next, Santa came to MY HOUSE! We made cookies for him the night before that I left for him special. Then, I went to Troy to my Grampa and Grammy's house and got to play with my cousins! We had more presents to open there, too.

Then, I got sick...
Then we went to Grandma's! We had so much fun there! So much loot! I love Christmas!
Last but certainly not least we went to the Nolan's house and I got to see my boyfriend Hawthorne, my secret new boyfriend, Nolan (he's a younger little man but, hey, that's how I roll) and Mommy got to see her skinny-ass little friends.

Happy New Year everyone!

Apple Picking at Skytop

 Apple picking at Skytop has got to be one of my most favorite Fall family traditions.  It is so beautiful, it is so fun, and apples for w...