Do you wonder what "Obiteljski Sjednica" means? It is Serbo-Croatian for "Family Reunion" and that is where I was this weekend, the Pavich Obiteljski Sjednica. Say it with me, now: Obiblahblah Sjednica. Not bad, you Anglo.
I am one quarter Slavic. My Babi's mommy and daddy's families were from the homeland, Yugoslavia. Have you heard of
Yugoslavia? It's not just for junky old cars!
Yugoslavia people love
Slivovitz and roasting lambs. Whenever someone in our family graduates, dies, gets married, or born we'll usually roast a lamb. This was my first lamb roast. I did not try the lamb because I am too little. But next year I will love it, because I'm Slavic. Usually at our family lamb roasts all the Pavich's can't get enough lamb and love it, and then all the married-ins (including Daddy) sit around and complain and talk about how gross it is and how bad it smells and how barbaric it seems. Then one of the Pavich's will go pull meat right off the carcass and shove it in their mouths and laugh at the Anglos they married. Ha ha! Actually, my Duda likes lamb and he's Anglo so it's not ALL the married-ins who don't like it, just the select few. Including Daddy. Mommy once ordered a lamb dish at a fancy-pants restaurant in New York City and Daddy thought maybe just that one time he'd like it but he ended up spitting it out in his napkin. Classy.
We Slavs also like to polka. Our cousin Steve brought his accordian and sang Slavic drinking songs. He also brought his two Harley-Davidsons but I am too little for that, too. I missed out on all the fun this year!
We also like to drink. We drink Slivo even though it tastes bad, but so we can say we drank it. Moreover though, we just like beer. In fact, I like it too.
Just give me the beer, Duda, and no one gets hurt...
My Babi has some lamb pictures. Mommy didn't take any this year. Mostly it just looks like a big, dead animal on a spit. Because, that's what it is! Uncle Dan you really missed out this year. If you would have gone, who knows? Maybe this would have been your year for trying meat.