Thursday, July 31, 2008

Attack of the Cyber Idiots

Well, I should have known it would happen, what with being on the WORLD WIDE WEB and all, but Mommy got a not-very-nice message from some cyber-idiot in Canada on my YouTube page. Don't worry, Mommy gave that cyber-whack job a piece of her mind, but nonetheless the damage was done. So unfortunately for now, no more YouTube videos EXCEPT for YouTube users with accounts who subscribe to my page. So for my grandparents out there, if you want to see my videos from now on Mommy will be happy to tell you how to sign up for a user account to view them.
Also, in case there are any cyber-losers looking at my web page Mommy wants you to know she tracks hits on this page. So if it comes down to it she will require log-in to view my blog. That isn't cool but neither are cyber-jerks with nothing better to do than write derogatory and inflammatory messages about babies.

Curse the Cyber Idiots!


Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Mommy misplaced the camera again, but found it last night. There was nothing fun to take pictures of last night, mostly we were sweating in the house because the capacitor on the air conditioner broke. Since it was over 90 degrees and I'm a baby that was classified as an "emergency" to come out and get it fixed so we got priority! But sitting in the hot, sticky Kentucky heat makes a baby tired so by the time Mommy found my camera I was too tired to be cute.

So to keep you all tied over for a few here are some random cute pics.



Wednesday, July 23, 2008


For my 9 month birthday this week Mommy and Daddy took me to the zoo! The zoo is a fantastic place to be for little babies. There are so many cool things to see and lots of shade and air conditioning, which we needed because it gets hot down here 'round these parts!

Yo baby...

The Louisville Zoo has a baby elephant. I liked the baby elephant.
We found an abandoned VW bus on the zoo property but I couldn't get it to start...
Hey look, Mommy! I'm going on tour!
I liked to look at the animals but get me the hell away from these goats. Oh man, I hated the goats. So note to Mommy and Daddy, I am not a fan of the petting zoo. I took my first ride on a carousel at the zoo. Very underwhelming. Mommy was dizzy after the ride. What a wuss!Daddy took me to the Splash Park at the zoo. Another age-inappropriate activity courtesy of first time parents Mommy and Daddy. But hey, I'll love it in a year or two (or three or thirty if I'm like my Dad)!

Not a bad 9 month birthday!



Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Teddy Bear

I am like a little teddy bear. I love to snuggle. I just do! I'm a baby, after all, and we were made for snuggling. My Teti will snuggle with me for hours and I LOVE it!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Obiteljski Sjednica

Do you wonder what "Obiteljski Sjednica" means? It is Serbo-Croatian for "Family Reunion" and that is where I was this weekend, the Pavich Obiteljski Sjednica. Say it with me, now: Obiblahblah Sjednica. Not bad, you Anglo.
I am one quarter Slavic. My Babi's mommy and daddy's families were from the homeland, Yugoslavia. Have you heard of Yugoslavia? It's not just for junky old cars!
Yugoslavia people love Slivovitz and roasting lambs. Whenever someone in our family graduates, dies, gets married, or born we'll usually roast a lamb. This was my first lamb roast. I did not try the lamb because I am too little. But next year I will love it, because I'm Slavic. Usually at our family lamb roasts all the Pavich's can't get enough lamb and love it, and then all the married-ins (including Daddy) sit around and complain and talk about how gross it is and how bad it smells and how barbaric it seems. Then one of the Pavich's will go pull meat right off the carcass and shove it in their mouths and laugh at the Anglos they married. Ha ha! Actually, my Duda likes lamb and he's Anglo so it's not ALL the married-ins who don't like it, just the select few. Including Daddy. Mommy once ordered a lamb dish at a fancy-pants restaurant in New York City and Daddy thought maybe just that one time he'd like it but he ended up spitting it out in his napkin. Classy.
We Slavs also like to polka. Our cousin Steve brought his accordian and sang Slavic drinking songs. He also brought his two Harley-Davidsons but I am too little for that, too. I missed out on all the fun this year!
We also like to drink. We drink Slivo even though it tastes bad, but so we can say we drank it. Moreover though, we just like beer. In fact, I like it too.
Just give me the beer, Duda, and no one gets hurt...

My Babi has some lamb pictures. Mommy didn't take any this year. Mostly it just looks like a big, dead animal on a spit. Because, that's what it is! Uncle Dan you really missed out this year. If you would have gone, who knows? Maybe this would have been your year for trying meat.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Hello To All My Fans!

My, my! Mommy got lots of letters from dissatisfied customers this week!

"Where's Lilly? I miss her. Update her blog!"
"When is Lilly going to update her blog? I check it every day and I'm so disappointed when there isn't anything new!"
"I need my Lilly fix! Quick!"
"Tell Lilly to update her blog!"

Being famous is such a double-edged sword. You've got your throngs of fans, without whom you would not be as famous as you are but then, you have no privacy, either. The Mamarazzi is everywhere with the camera. But who am I to complain? I wouldn't be where I am if it weren't for my 28 regular readers. So for you, dear loyal readers, a much anticipated update.

On July 4 I finally cut my FIRST TOOTH! It is the lower left front tooth and it is so cute. Mommy discovered it in the morning when she was feeding me breakfast because it scraped my little plastic spoon.

Daddy figured since I cut my first little baby tooth that perhaps it is time for solid food. So I got to try tofu. Mmmm, tofu. Delicious. Wait, no, I am lying. Tofu is NOT delicious. It is rather bland. Therefore, it is much more fun to play with. See? See-food! Ha ha, gotcha.

I celebrated the Fourth of July with a rainy walk around the neighborhood, and then, a rainy trip downtown for a concert that was not age-appropriate at all. I did not see fireworks on the fourth of July, but I saw them the week before and frankly I was unimpressed.

I have so much more to tell you all but I need to save it for tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day! Always leave them wanting more, that way you'll come back.

So I'll see you tomorrow!



Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Pbft on you!

I like to blow raspberries now. This is actually a six month skill. Observe.

I have a few new videos on my YouTube page, if you are so inclined, please go visit!

Apple Picking at Skytop

 Apple picking at Skytop has got to be one of my most favorite Fall family traditions.  It is so beautiful, it is so fun, and apples for w...